#author("2021-03-22T09:54:40+09:00","default:ishikawa","ishikawa") [[Blogs]] メモ *Future of plasma sciences (Plasma Processes and Polymers, January 2019) [[web:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/16128869/16/1]] 2.1 Energy and power 2.2 Optics and glass 2.3 Aerospace and automotive 2.4 Plastics and textiles 2.5 Environment 2.6 Medicine and hygiene Success stories and market shares - Established potential - Unique solutions Emerging applications - Research needs - Outlook *2040年の未来予測-科学技術が広げる未来社会-(Society 5.0) [[web:https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/hakusho/html/hpaa202001/detail/1421221_00005.html]] *2040年の未来予測/成毛 眞 日経BPマーケティング (発売) , 2021.1 *世界哲学史 別巻 未来をひらく ちくま新書 2020.12 1 世界哲学の過去・現在・未来 2 世界哲学史のさらなる論点