#author("2020-11-21T10:58:53+09:00","default:ishikawa","ishikawa") [[Home]] *Past meetings 2015 [#f7d2b286] :January 9, 2015 | 開所式 「大気圧プラズマによる超高速・超機能化異種材料接合オープンプラットフォーム」 於: 名古屋大学 ESホール (in Japanese) :February 23-26, 2015 | 2nd Annual meeting on COST Action TD1208 “Electrical Discharges with liquids for Future Application” to be held at the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB), part of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. Dr Ishikawa will have an invited talk entitled "Chemical analysis of plasma-activated medium (PAM)". [[web:http://neon.dpp.fmph.uniba.sk/Barcelona2015/]] :March 11-14, 2015| 62nd Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) spring meeting will be held at Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan. [[web:https://www.jsap.or.jp/activities/annualmeetings/index.html]] (in Japanese) Dr Ishikawa will have an English presentation entitled "CF3+ fragmentation by electron impact ionization of perfluoro-vinyl-ethers". :March 16-17, 2015| 2nd International workshop on plasma for cancer treatment (IWPCT) to be held at Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. [[web:http://www.iwpct2015.org/]] :March 21-22, 2015| Meeting on Plasma Medical Innovation :March 26-31, 2015| 7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and Its Application for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma) and 8th International Conference on Plasma-Nanotechnology and Science (IC-PLANTS 2015) will be held at Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. Dr Ishikawa will have an invited presentation. [[web:http://isplasma.jp/]] Dr Ishikawa will have an invited talk entitled "Plasma-Surface Interactions Analyzed By Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation (SFG)" in A1 "Plasma engineering" session, and chaired the A4 session "Plasma applications". :April 20-24, 2015 | ICMCTF 2015 - International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films to be held at Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA, USA. [[web:https://www2.avs.org/conferences/icmctf/]] :May 24-28, 2015 | International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2015) to be held at Belek, Antalya, Turkey. [[web:http://www.ece.unm.edu/icops2015/]] :June 11-12, 2015 | 第68回酸化ストレス学会学術集会 於:かごしま県民交流センター [[web:http://sfrrj68.umin.jp/]] (in Japanese) //Deadline is April 15, 2015. :June 24-26, 2015 | 2015 International Forum on Functional Materials (IFFM 2015), 5th International Symposium for Plasma Biosciences (ISPB2015-5), 4th International Symposium on Chemical & Biological Detection (ISCBD-4), 3rd International Symposium on Medical Diagnosis using Bionano Sensor to be held at Jeju Island, Korea [[web:http://www.iffm2015.org]] :July 1-2, 2015 | Atomic Layer Etch Workshop (ALE 2015), in conjunction with ALD 2015 [[web:http://www2.avs.org/conferences/ALD/2015/index.html]], to be held at Portland Hilton, Portland Oregon, USA. [[web:http://www2.avs.org/conferences/ALD/2015/ALEWorkshop.html]] Dr Shinoda will present an oral presentation of "Self-limited Cyclic Etching of Silicon Nitride Using Formation and Sublimation of Ammonium Hexafluorosilicate" at 15:20-15:40 on July 2, 2015. //Deadline is February 16, 2015. :July 5-10, 2015 | 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC) to be held at University of Antwerp, City Campus, Antwerp, Belgium [[web:https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/conferences-and-summerschools/ispc22/]] Workshop on plasma-mediated effects on biological systems will be held. //Deadline is extended to February 28, 2015. :July 26-31, 2015 | XXXII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG) to be held at Iasi, Romania. [[web:http://www.icpig2015.net]] //Deadline is March 29, 2015. :September 13-16, 2015 | 76th Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) autumn meeting will be held at [[Nagoya Congress Center:http://www.nagoya-congress-center.jp/english/index.html]], Japan. [[web:https://www.jsap.or.jp/activities/annualmeetings/index.html]] (in Japanese) Deadline is May 23, 2015. :September 20-24, 2015 | 10th Anniversary Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2015) to be held at Jeju, Korea. [[web:http://www.aepse2015.org/]] Deadline is May 15, 2015. :September 27-October 1, 2015 | 17th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics (LAPD17) to be held at [[Gateaux Kingdom Sapporo:http://www.gateauxkingdom.com/en/]], Hokkaido, Japan. [[web:http://lapd17.qe.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/]] Deadline is June 26, 2015. :October 12-16, 2015| 68th Gaseous Electronic Conference and 9th International Conference on Reactive Plasma (GEC2015/ICRP9) to be held at Hawaii Convention Center, USA. [[web:http://www.plasma.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/icrp-9/]] //Deadline is June 19, 2015. :October 18-23, 2015| AVS 62nd International Symposium and Exhibition, San Jose, CA, USA. [[web:http://www.avssymposium.org/]] Focus topic session on Surface Modification of Materials by Plasmas for Medical Materials (SM) will be held. Deadline is May 4, 2015. :November 5-6, 2015 | 37th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS 2015) to be held at [[Congress Center of Awaji-Yumebutai:http://www.yumebutai.org]], Hyogo, Japan. [[web:http://www.dry-process.org/2015/]] :November 16-20, 2015| 57th Annual Meeting of the [[APS Division of Plasma Physics:http://www.apsdpp.org/]] (DPP), to be held at Savannah, GA. :November 20, 2015| 第26回プラズマエレクトロニクス講習会 (in Japanese), to be held at Takeda Hall, Tokyo University, Japan. Dr Ishikawa will give a lecture of "Plasma bio applications". :November 29-December 4, 2015 | Fall meeting (MRS) to be held at Boston, USA. Symposium G—Plasma Processing and Diagnostics for Life Sciences. [[web:http://www.mrs.org/fall2015/]] // Deadline is June 18, 2015. :December 8-10, 2015 | 25th annual meeting of MRS-J will be held with the theme of Advanced Materials Research as the Basis for the Technological Innovation at Yokohama Port Opening Plaza, Yokohama, Japan. [[web:http://www.mrs-j.org/meeting2015/en/]] // Deadline is the middle of August, 2015. :December 12-15, 2015 | Joint Symposium of the 9th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-9) and the 28th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM-28) will be held at Nagasaki University, Japan. [[web:http://www.comp.tmu.ac.jp/apspt2015/]] Deadline is September 27, 2015.