-1) Shuzo Fujimura, Hiroki Ogawa, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Car...
--FT-IR-RAS analysis of native oxide grown on Si(111).
---Extended Abstract of the 1993 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-2) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroki Ogawa, Carlos Inomata, Shu...
--New analytical method of SiO2 structure by infrared ref...
---1993 Fall Meeting of the Material Research Society (MR...
-3) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroki Ogawa, Carlos Inomata, and...
--Contribution of Si/SiO2 interface roughness in the obse...
---Extended Abstract of the 1994 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-4) Hiroki Ogawa, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M.T. Suzuki, Y. Hay...
--Effects of dissolved oxygen in hf solution on silicon s...
---Extended Abstract of the 1994 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-5) K. Kubota, Hiroki Ogawa, Y. Morikawa, ''Kenji Ishikaw...
--Study on reaction of fluorine radicals with Si(111) sur...
---8th Intern. Micro Process Conf., (Sendai, July 17-20, ...
-6) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroki Ogawa, S. Oshida, K. Suzuk...
--Thickness-deconvolved structural properties of thermall...
---Extended Abstract of the 1995 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-7) Hiroki Ogawa, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Aoki, Shuzo Fuji...
--In-situ observation of oxygen exposed hydrogen terminat...
---Extended Abstract of the 1995 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-8) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroki Ogawa, S. Oshida, K. Suzuk...
--Thickness-deconvolved structural properties of thermall...
---26th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialist Conf. (SI...
-9) Shuzo Fujimura, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Hiroki Ogawa.
--Early stage of native oxide growth on an atomically fla...
---Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. Ultra Clean Processing of Sili...
-10) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Makoto Sekine.
--An in-situ time-resolved infrared spectroscopic study o...
---Microprocess and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC), (Tok...
-11) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Makoto Sekine.
--Early-stage modification of silicon oxide surface in fl...
---47th International Symposium American Vacuum Society (...
-12) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Makoto Sekine.
--Early-stage modification of Silicon dioxide surface dur...
---25th Intern. Conf. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPI...
-13) Shigenori Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Makoto Se...
--Time-resolved planer laser-induced fluorescence of fluo...
---25th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized ...
-14) Mitsuru Okigawa, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Shoji Kobayashi...
--Electron-spin-resonance investigation on solid surfaces...
---25th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized ...
-15) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Shigenori Hayashi, Mitsuru Okiga...
--In-vacuo electron-spin-resonance study on fluorocarbon ...
---AVS 48th International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-16) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Mitsuru Okigawa, Makoto Sekine, ...
--Dangling bond observation during fluorocarbon plasma et...
---1st International Symposium on Dry Process, (Waseda, T...
-17) Hideo Tsuboi, Kazuhiro Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--Measurements of SiO2 etch yields under F+ and CFx+ ion ...
---3rd International Conference on Microelectronics and I...
-18) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Mitsuru Okigawa, Makoto Sekine, ...
--Dangling bond observation during plasma etching process...
---16th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physi...
-19) Kazuhiro Karahashi, Hideo Tsuboi, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--Measurements of desorbed products and etching yield by ...
---16th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physi...
-20) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yoshikazu Yamaoka, Akihiro Egami...
--Using real-time infrared spectroscopy and in-vacuo elec...
---2nd International Symposium on Dry Process, (Hongoh, T...
-21) Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhiro Karahashi, Hideo Tsuboi, ''...
--Study of SiO2 plasma etching and fluorocarbon film depo...
---2nd International Symposium on Dry Process, (Hongoh, T...
-22) Akihiro Egami, Yuji Hayashi, Toshio Kikuchi, ''Kenji...
--Decomposition Mechanism of c-C4F8 in Plasma Assisted Ca...
---2nd International Symposium on Dry Process, (Hongoh, T...
-23) Kazuhiro Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hideo Tuboi,...
--Measurements of desorbed products and etching yield by ...
---AVS 49th International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-24) Ken-ichi Yanai, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Kazuhito Karahas...
--Study of selective etching of SiO2-to-Si3N4 and a-C:F f...
---4th International Conference on Microelectronics and I...
-25) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Teruo Yagishita, and Moritaka Na...
--Vapor treatment of copper surface using organic acids.
---2003 Spring meeting of the Material Research Society (...
-26) Teruo Yagishita, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Moritaka Na...
--Cleaning of copper surface using vapor-phase organic ac...
---203rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), (P...
-27) Moritaka Nakamura, Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhiro Karahash...
--Study of fluorocarbon plasma etching and film depositio...
---16th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC...
-28) Teruo Yagishita, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Moritaka Na...
--Mechanisms of vapor cleaning of copper surface using or...
---204th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), (O...
-29) Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhito Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa...
--Study of SiO2 plasma etching with off-normal mass-analy...
---AVS 50th International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-30) Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhito Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa...
--Incident angular dependence of SiO2 and Si3N4 etching w...
---4th International Symposium on Dry Process, (Hongoh, T...
-31) Teruo Yagishita, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Moritaka Na...
--Cleaning of copper surface using vapor-phase organic ac...
---2nd EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma processing, (Fe...
-32) Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhito Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa...
--Incident angular dependence of SiO2 and Si3N4 etching w...
---2nd EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma processing, (Fe...
-33) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yuichi Yamazaki, Satoshi Yamasak...
--Using in-vacuo electron-spin-resonance and infrared spe...
---AVS 51th International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-34) Satoshi Yamasaki, and ''Kenji Ishikawa''.
--Dangling bond creation and annihilation during plasma p...
---AVS 51st International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-35) Yuichi Yamazaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Norikazu Mizuoc...
--Structural change in diamond by hydrogen plasma treatme...
---10th International Conference New Diamond Science and ...
-36) Yuichi Yamazaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Seiji Samukawa,...
--Defect creation in diamond by hydrogen plasma treatment...
---23rd International Conference on Defects in Semiconduc...
-37) Hiroshi Kudo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Y. Mishima, S. Sat...
--Efficient reduction of standby leakage current in LSIs ...
---Ext. Abst. the 2005 International conference on Solid...
-38) Junya Nakahira, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', N. Nishikawa, M....
--Low temperature dry cleaning technology using formic ac...
---Advanced Metallization Conference (AMC) 2005, (Colorad...
-39) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yuichi Yamazaki, Satoshi Yamasak...
--Vacuum-ultraviolet photon irradiation effects in fluoro...
---AVS 52nd International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-40) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yuichi Yamazaki, Satoshi Yamasak...
--Plasma emission irradiation effects on etching surface ...
---International conference on reactive plasmas and Sympo...
-41) Yuichi Yamazaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Norikazu Mizuoc...
--Structural damage of diamond by oxygen ion beam exposure.
---International conference on reactive plasmas and Sympo...
-42) Masakazu Sugiyama, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Isao Gunji, Y...
--Reduction of copper surface with formic acid for 32-nm-...
---The 209th Electrochemical Society Spring Meeting (ECS)...
-43) Hiroshi Kudo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', R. Tanabe, H. Fuku...
--Large reduction in standby power consumption achieved w...
---Ext. Abst. the 2006 International conference on Solid ...
-44) Masakazu Sugiyama, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Masafumi Naka...
--Reaction mechanism of low-temperature damageless cleani...
---Advanced Metallization Conference (AMC) 2006: 16th Asi...
-45) Hiroshi Kudo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Nakaishi, A. Ts...
--Enhancing yield and reliability by applying dry organic...
---The 11th International Interconnect Technology Confere...
-46) K. Eriguchi, Y. Nakakubo, A. Matsuda, M. Kamei, H. ...
--A new framework for performance prediction of advanced ...
---2008 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM...
-1) Shuzo Fujimura, Hiroki Ogawa, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Car...
--FT-IR-RAS analysis of native oxide grown on Si(111).
---Extended Abstract of the 1993 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-2) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroki Ogawa, Carlos Inomata, Shu...
--New analytical method of SiO2 structure by infrared ref...
---1993 Fall Meeting of the Material Research Society (MR...
-3) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroki Ogawa, Carlos Inomata, and...
--Contribution of Si/SiO2 interface roughness in the obse...
---Extended Abstract of the 1994 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-4) Hiroki Ogawa, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M.T. Suzuki, Y. Hay...
--Effects of dissolved oxygen in hf solution on silicon s...
---Extended Abstract of the 1994 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-5) K. Kubota, Hiroki Ogawa, Y. Morikawa, ''Kenji Ishikaw...
--Study on reaction of fluorine radicals with Si(111) sur...
---8th Intern. Micro Process Conf., (Sendai, July 17-20, ...
-6) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroki Ogawa, S. Oshida, K. Suzuk...
--Thickness-deconvolved structural properties of thermall...
---Extended Abstract of the 1995 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-7) Hiroki Ogawa, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Aoki, Shuzo Fuji...
--In-situ observation of oxygen exposed hydrogen terminat...
---Extended Abstract of the 1995 Intern. Conf. on Solid S...
-8) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroki Ogawa, S. Oshida, K. Suzuk...
--Thickness-deconvolved structural properties of thermall...
---26th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialist Conf. (SI...
-9) Shuzo Fujimura, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Hiroki Ogawa.
--Early stage of native oxide growth on an atomically fla...
---Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. Ultra Clean Processing of Sili...
-10) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Makoto Sekine.
--An in-situ time-resolved infrared spectroscopic study o...
---Microprocess and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC), (Tok...
-11) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Makoto Sekine.
--Early-stage modification of silicon oxide surface in fl...
---47th International Symposium American Vacuum Society (...
-12) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Makoto Sekine.
--Early-stage modification of Silicon dioxide surface dur...
---25th Intern. Conf. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPI...
-13) Shigenori Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Makoto Se...
--Time-resolved planer laser-induced fluorescence of fluo...
---25th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized ...
-14) Mitsuru Okigawa, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Shoji Kobayashi...
--Electron-spin-resonance investigation on solid surfaces...
---25th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized ...
-15) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Shigenori Hayashi, Mitsuru Okiga...
--In-vacuo electron-spin-resonance study on fluorocarbon ...
---AVS 48th International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-16) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Mitsuru Okigawa, Makoto Sekine, ...
--Dangling bond observation during fluorocarbon plasma et...
---1st International Symposium on Dry Process, (Waseda, T...
-17) Hideo Tsuboi, Kazuhiro Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--Measurements of SiO2 etch yields under F+ and CFx+ ion ...
---3rd International Conference on Microelectronics and I...
-18) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Mitsuru Okigawa, Makoto Sekine, ...
--Dangling bond observation during plasma etching process...
---16th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physi...
-19) Kazuhiro Karahashi, Hideo Tsuboi, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--Measurements of desorbed products and etching yield by ...
---16th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physi...
-20) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yoshikazu Yamaoka, Akihiro Egami...
--Using real-time infrared spectroscopy and in-vacuo elec...
---2nd International Symposium on Dry Process, (Hongoh, T...
-21) Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhiro Karahashi, Hideo Tsuboi, ''...
--Study of SiO2 plasma etching and fluorocarbon film depo...
---2nd International Symposium on Dry Process, (Hongoh, T...
-22) Akihiro Egami, Yuji Hayashi, Toshio Kikuchi, ''Kenji...
--Decomposition Mechanism of c-C4F8 in Plasma Assisted Ca...
---2nd International Symposium on Dry Process, (Hongoh, T...
-23) Kazuhiro Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hideo Tuboi,...
--Measurements of desorbed products and etching yield by ...
---AVS 49th International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-24) Ken-ichi Yanai, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Kazuhito Karahas...
--Study of selective etching of SiO2-to-Si3N4 and a-C:F f...
---4th International Conference on Microelectronics and I...
-25) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Teruo Yagishita, and Moritaka Na...
--Vapor treatment of copper surface using organic acids.
---2003 Spring meeting of the Material Research Society (...
-26) Teruo Yagishita, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Moritaka Na...
--Cleaning of copper surface using vapor-phase organic ac...
---203rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), (P...
-27) Moritaka Nakamura, Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhiro Karahash...
--Study of fluorocarbon plasma etching and film depositio...
---16th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC...
-28) Teruo Yagishita, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Moritaka Na...
--Mechanisms of vapor cleaning of copper surface using or...
---204th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), (O...
-29) Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhito Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa...
--Study of SiO2 plasma etching with off-normal mass-analy...
---AVS 50th International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-30) Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhito Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa...
--Incident angular dependence of SiO2 and Si3N4 etching w...
---4th International Symposium on Dry Process, (Hongoh, T...
-31) Teruo Yagishita, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Moritaka Na...
--Cleaning of copper surface using vapor-phase organic ac...
---2nd EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma processing, (Fe...
-32) Ken-ichi Yanai, Kazuhito Karahashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa...
--Incident angular dependence of SiO2 and Si3N4 etching w...
---2nd EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma processing, (Fe...
-33) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yuichi Yamazaki, Satoshi Yamasak...
--Using in-vacuo electron-spin-resonance and infrared spe...
---AVS 51th International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-34) Satoshi Yamasaki, and ''Kenji Ishikawa''.
--Dangling bond creation and annihilation during plasma p...
---AVS 51st International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-35) Yuichi Yamazaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Norikazu Mizuoc...
--Structural change in diamond by hydrogen plasma treatme...
---10th International Conference New Diamond Science and ...
-36) Yuichi Yamazaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Seiji Samukawa,...
--Defect creation in diamond by hydrogen plasma treatment...
---23rd International Conference on Defects in Semiconduc...
-37) Hiroshi Kudo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Y. Mishima, S. Sat...
--Efficient reduction of standby leakage current in LSIs ...
---Ext. Abst. the 2005 International conference on Solid...
-38) Junya Nakahira, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', N. Nishikawa, M....
--Low temperature dry cleaning technology using formic ac...
---Advanced Metallization Conference (AMC) 2005, (Colorad...
-39) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yuichi Yamazaki, Satoshi Yamasak...
--Vacuum-ultraviolet photon irradiation effects in fluoro...
---AVS 52nd International Symposium American Vacuum Socie...
-40) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yuichi Yamazaki, Satoshi Yamasak...
--Plasma emission irradiation effects on etching surface ...
---International conference on reactive plasmas and Sympo...
-41) Yuichi Yamazaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Norikazu Mizuoc...
--Structural damage of diamond by oxygen ion beam exposure.
---International conference on reactive plasmas and Sympo...
-42) Masakazu Sugiyama, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Isao Gunji, Y...
--Reduction of copper surface with formic acid for 32-nm-...
---The 209th Electrochemical Society Spring Meeting (ECS)...
-43) Hiroshi Kudo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', R. Tanabe, H. Fuku...
--Large reduction in standby power consumption achieved w...
---Ext. Abst. the 2006 International conference on Solid ...
-44) Masakazu Sugiyama, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Masafumi Naka...
--Reaction mechanism of low-temperature damageless cleani...
---Advanced Metallization Conference (AMC) 2006: 16th Asi...
-45) Hiroshi Kudo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Nakaishi, A. Ts...
--Enhancing yield and reliability by applying dry organic...
---The 11th International Interconnect Technology Confere...
-46) K. Eriguchi, Y. Nakakubo, A. Matsuda, M. Kamei, H. ...
--A new framework for performance prediction of advanced ...
---2008 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM...