-176) Takuya Takeuchi, Shinpei Amasaki, Keigo Takeda, Hir...
--(Best poster award) Modification of ArF photoresist cau...
---The 14th International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Pro...
-177) Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Mechanism of generating ions and radicals in C3F6O plas...
---The 14th International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Pro...
-178) Keigo Takeda, Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Hiroki...
--Surface loss probability of hydrogen radical on silicon...
---8th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing (JSP...
-179) Masaru Hori, Makoto Sekine, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji I...
--(INVITED) Advanced plasma nano science and technology f...
---iPlasmaNano-III, (Nanyang Executive Centere, Singapore...
-180) Makoto Sekine, Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--(INVITED) Formation of 10-nm organic pillars by plasma ...
---iPlasmaNano-III, (Nanyang Executive Centere, Singapore...
-181) Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--Relationship between silicon thin film property and flu...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-182) Hiroshi Hashizume, Takayuki Ohta, T. Mori, Masafumi...
--Effect of atomic oxygen on inactivation of spores of P....
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-183) Shang Chen, Yi Lu, Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--The role of hydrogen radical on plasma damaged gallium ...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-184) Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji...
--Field emission properties of 10-nm organic nanopillars ...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-185) Tatsuya Hagino, Hiroyuki Kano, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Effect of electrode materials on synthesis of nano-grap...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-186) Takehiro Hiraoka, Noboru Ebizuka, Keigo Takeda, Tak...
--Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for Penicillium digi...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-187) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Sachiko Iseki, Hiroshi Hashizum...
--Real time electron spin resonance observation of Penici...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-188) Yusuke Abe, Atsushi Fukushima, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenj...
--Loss kinetics of hydrogen radicals in silane plasma.
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-189) Naoya Sumi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hideo Horibe, Akihi...
--Analysis of surface reactions mechanism on organic mate...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-190) Masanori Kato, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hi...
--Three dimensional investigation of activated species in...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-191) Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Mechanism of generating ions and radicals in C3F6O plas...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-192) Ryosuke Kometani, Shang Chen, Yi Lu, Cao David, ''K...
--Interactions with plasmas on gallium nitride at high te...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-193) Yi Lu, Shang Chen, Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Depth profiles on stoichiometry of plasma-etched GaN.
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-194) Tatsuya Komuro, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M...
--Effect of DC-bias superposed to the upper electrode of ...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-195) Yudai Miyawaki, Yusuke Kondo, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Clarification of highly selective SiO2 etching process ...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-196) Kohei Asano, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Yudai Miyawaki, Keig...
--Formation of smooth surface on 193 nm photoresist by C5...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-197) Takuya Takeuchi, Shinpei Amasaki, Keigo Takeda, ''K...
--In situ XPS anaysis of ArF photoresist surface modified...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-198) Ya Lu, Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Keigo Takeda,...
--Effect of hydrogen radical injection on plasma enhanced...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-199) Leoyung. Yu, Jun Kuki, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Crystallographic analysis of amorphous carbon films syn...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-200) Jun Kuki, Leoyung Yu, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikaw...
--Effects of RF bias on optical properties of amorphous c...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-201) Hironao Shimoeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'',...
--Evaluation of crystallographic properties of carbon nan...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-202) Tsuyoshi Horibe, S. Mitsuguchi, Hiroyuki Kano, Hiro...
--Formation and characteristics of TiO2 nanoparticles-sup...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-203) H. Cho, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Makoto Se...
--Electrical properties and crystalline structures of car...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-204) Shinpei Amasaki, Takuya Takeuchi, Keigo Takeda, ''K...
--Investigation of reaction mechanism at sidewall of thro...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-205) Shang Chen, Yi Lu, Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Photoluminescence recovery of plasma damaged GaN by hyd...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-206) Yudai Miyawaki, Yusuke Kondo, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Clarification of mechanisms of highly selective SiO2 et...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-207) Yi Lu, Shang Chen, Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Stoichiometry protection to as-etched GaN surface using...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-208) Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji...
--Subsequent temporal change of gaseous radical density i...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-209) Shinpei Amasaki, Takuya Takeuchi, Keigo Takeda, ''K...
--Influence of SiF4 gas addition to sidewall reaction dur...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-210) Kohei Asano, Hiroshi Yamamoto, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Modification of Si-O-Si structures on porous-SiOCH film...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-211) Ryosuke Kometani, Shang Chen, Yi Lu, Cao David, ''K...
--Morphology on GaN exposed to plasmas at high temperature.
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-212) Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--Relationship between silicon thin film property and flu...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-213) Ya Lu, Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Y. J. Kim, Ke...
--The effect of the deposition rate of microcrystalline s...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-214) Hiroko Moriyama, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Kazuhiro Tamiy...
--ESR signals arisen from Penicillium digitatum spores.
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-215) Hiromasa Tanaka, Kae Nakamura, Sachiko Iseki, H. Ka...
--Plasma-activated medium effectively killed glioma cance...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-216) Fengdong Jia, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hir...
--Behaviours of reactive oxygen species generated by an A...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-217) Noboru Ebizuka, Minoru Sasaki, W. Aoki, A. Bianco, ...
--Fabrication methods for volume binary grating and novel...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-218) Satomi Tajima, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Toshio Hayashi, ...
--Development of a Si dry chemical etching technique usin...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-219) Toshio Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Makoto Sekine, ...
--O2 and N2 addition effect for Si etching in CF4 plasma.
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-220) Hiroshi Hashizume, Takayuki Ohta, Masafumi Ito, Sac...
--Efficiency of ground-state atomic oxygen for inactivati...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-221) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Sachiko Iseki, Hiroko Moriyama,...
--Electron spin resonance (ESR) observation of radicals o...
---2012 Spring Meeting of the Material Research Society, ...
-222) Takehiro Hiraoka, Noboru Ebizka, Keigo Takeda, Taka...
--Terahertz time-domain spectroscopic sensing of Penicill...
---2012 Spring Meeting of the Material Research Society, ...
-223) Yusuke Abe, Masaru Hori, Atuschi Fukushima, Lu Ya, ...
--Measurement of the flux ratio of hydrogen atom to film ...
---5th International Workshop on Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS...
-224) Hiroki Kondo, T. Hagino, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H. Kan...
--Critical factors of synthesis rate and crystallinity of...
---4th International Conference on Microelectronics and P...
-225) H. Shimoeda, H. Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Hiram...
--Edge and surface modification of nanographenes in carbo...
---4th International Conference on Microelectronics and P...
-226) Makoto Sekine, Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--(PLENARY) Formation of 10-nm organic pillars by plasma ...
---The 15th Korea-Japan workshop for Advanced Plasma Proc...
-227) T. Tsutsumi, M. Hori, M. Sekine, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--High resolution temperature monitoring system of semico...
---The 15th Korea-Japan workshop for Advanced Plasma Proc...
-228) Y. Kondo, Y, Miyawaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', T. Hayas...
--Reaction mechanism of plasma etching using hydrogen-con...
---The 15th Korea-Japan workshop for Advanced Plasma Proc...
-229) Hiroshi Hashizumi, Takayuki Ohta, Masafumi Ito, Fen...
--Inactivation efficiencies of reactive oxygen species on...
---International Conference on Plasma Science, (Edinburgh...
-230) Makoto Sekine, Takuya Takeuchi, Shinpei Amasaki, Ke...
--Anaysis of photoresist surface modified by fluorocarbon...
---International Conference on Plasma Science, (Edinburgh...
-231) Masaru Hori, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Naoya Sumi, Keigo ...
--Real time in situ electron spin resonance (ESR) study o...
---International Conference on Plasma Science, (Edinburgh...
-232) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiromasa Tanaka, Hiroko Moriyam...
--Electron spin resonance (ESR) study of radicals on biol...
---International Conference on Plasma Science, (Edinburgh...
-233) Masaru Hori, Hiroki Kondo, Tatsuya Hagino, ''Kenji ...
--High-speed synthesis and crystalinity control of nanogr...
---XXI Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Phy...
-234) M. Hori , M. Tanaka, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H. Kondo, ...
--(PLENARY) Atmospheric pressure plasma processes and the...
---The 2nd International Symposium for Plasma Biosciences...
-235) T. Takeuchi, M. Sekine, ''K. Ishikawa'', H. Kondo, ...
--Investigation of modification of ArF photoresist during...
---14th Annual TECHCON Conference Technology & Talent for...
-236) H. Kondo, K. Yasuda, ''K. Ishikawa'', M. Sekine, M....
--Gradual transition of chemical structures at initial gr...
---The European Materials Conference European Materials R...
-237) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroko Moriyama, Naoya Sumi, Ka...
--(INVITED) Real-time / in-situ electron spin resonance a...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-238) Satomi Tajima, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Toshio Hayashi, ...
--Chemical dry etching of poly-Si and single crystal Si u...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-239) Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Shang Chen, Y...
--Surface roughness on plasma-etched gallium nitride (GaN).
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-240) A. Malinowski, Makoto Sekine, Masaru Hori, ''Kenji ...
--Investigation of hydrogen radical kinetics during ArF 1...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-241) Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H...
--Field electron emitter fabricated by plasma etching of ...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-242) Takuya Takeuchi, Shinpei Amasaki, Makoto Sekine, Ke...
--In situ XPS anaysis of ArF photoresist modification cau...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-243) Takanao Shimoeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'',...
--Effects of hydrogen peroxide treatment on nanostructure...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-244) T. Ohta, H. Hashizume, M. Ito, K. Takeda, ''Kenji I...
--Oxidative inactivation mechanism of fungal spores emplo...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-245) H. J. Cho, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Makoto...
--Edge termination on electrical properties of vertically...
---2012 International Conference on Solid State Devices a...
-246) Hiromasa Tanaka, Masaaki Mizuno, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--(Award) Analysis of the intracellular molecular mechani...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 1L-O05
-247) A. Fukushima, Y. Abe, Y. Lu, K. Takeda, H. Kondo, '...
--Evaluation of relationship between μc-Si film property ...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2Gr-...
-248) Yusuke Abe, Atsushi Fukushima, Ya Lu, Youn Joon Kim...
--Spectroscopic determination of radical densities in SiH...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 1-P19
-249) Takayoshi Tsutsumi, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'...
--Non-contact temperature measurement of sapphire substra...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 1-P26
-250) Takeyoshi Horibe, Hiroki Kondo, Hiroyuki Kano, ''Ke...
--Two-step supporting of high-density metal nanoparticle ...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 1-P85
-251) Lu Ya, Astushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Youn J. Kim, ...
--Microcrystal orientation of silicon thin film deposited...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P14
-252) Kuangda Sun, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki Kondo, Satomi Taj...
--The formation of the insulating film with atmospheric p...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P17
-253) T. Komuro, K. Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekine...
--Highly selective etching of dielectrics over SiC film b...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P18
-254) Kohei Asano, Yudai Miyawaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Ma...
--Mechanism and control of roughness formation on ArF pho...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P19
-255) Yudai Miyawaki, Yusuke Kondo, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Studies on plasma etching of Si3N4 employing new altern...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P20
-256) Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Generation mechanism of ions and radicals in CHxFy etch...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P21
-257) Jongyun Park, Takuya Takeuchi, Jiadong Cao, ''Kenji...
--Change of GaAs surface properties by irradiation of Cl2...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P23
-258) Ryosuke Kometani, Shang Chen, Yi Lu, David Cao, ''K...
--Observation of plasma-exposed GaN surface at high tempe...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P24
-259) Z. Liu, S. Chen, Y. Lu, R. Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Recovery of plasma-damaged GaN by employing exposure of...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P25
-260) Toshiya Suzuki, Arkadiusz Malinowski, Keigo Takeda,...
--Influence of last condition in plasma reactor on gaseou...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P26
-261) Takehiro Hiraoka, Keigo Takeda, Takayuki Ohta, Nobo...
--Optical properties of carbon nano walls in terahertz fr...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P45
-262) J. Cao, R. Kometani, J. Park, Y. Lu, S. Chen, ''Ken...
--Research on plasma etching of gallium based compound se...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P46
-263) Youn Joon Kim, Yi Lu, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikaw...
--Low temperature deposition and characteristics of GaN t...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P80
-264) Masaru Hori, Yusuke Abe, Atsushi Fukushima, Keigo T...
--Reconsideration on effects of H radicals on thin film s...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P96
-265) Satomi Tajima, Toshio Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Surface reaction of F2, NO, F, and FNO on Si during the...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P126
-266) Hiroshi Hashizume, Susumu Nagano, Takayuki Ohta, Ma...
--Disinfection of fungal spores by atmospheric pressure r...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 3P-03
-267) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroko Mizuno, Hiromasa Tanaka,...
--Real-time electron spin resonance study on fungal spore...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 3P-04
-268) Leyong Yu, Jun Kuki, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa...
--Effect of nitrogen doping on photoconductivity of amorp...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 3P-125
-269) Hironao Shimoeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'',...
--Effects of hydroxyl radical on nanographene surfaces in...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 3P-129
-270) Yu Arai, Yusuke Noto, Yousuke Goto, Seiji Takahashi...
--Study of the decomposition mechanism of PMMA-type polym...
---7th International Conference on Hot-Wire Chemical Vapo...
-271) Akihiko Kono, Yu Arai, Yousuke Goto, Seiji Takahash...
--Estimation of activation energies for decomposition rea...
---7th International Conference on Hot-Wire Chemical Vapo...
-272) Keigo Takeda, Jerome Jolibois, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Measurement of activated species generated by 60 Hz exc...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-273) Takayoshi Tsutsumi, Takehiro Hiraoka, Keigo Takeda,...
--Temperature measurement of substrate with a thin film u...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-274) Makoto Sekine, Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--Precise plasma process control based on combinatorial p...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-275) Hiroki Kondo, Tatusya Hagino, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji...
--Study on synthesis processes and crystallinity changes ...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-276) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, T...
--Reaction model for etching surface interacted with hydr...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-277) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', S. Chen, K. Takeda, H. Kondo, M...
--(INVITED) Healing process of plasma-damaged gallium nit...
---International conference on emerging advanced nanomate...
-278) J. S. Kularatne, Hiroyuki Kano, Masafumi Ito, Takay...
--(title) AC励起大気圧プラズマを用いた下水モニタリング装...
---5th International Symposium of Plasma Center for Indus...
-279) Hiromasa Tanaka, Masaaki Mizuno, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--(title) プラズマ培養液による脳腫瘍細胞のアポトーシス誘導.
---5th International Symposium of Plasma Center for Indus...
-280) Hiroshi Hashizume, Takayuki Ohta, Masafumi Ito, Fen...
--(title) ミドリカビ胞子細菌における活性酸素の定量的解析.
---5th International Symposium of Plasma Center for Indus...
-281) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hideo Horibe, Masafumi Ito, Mak...
--(INVITED) Real time in situ electron spin resonance (ES...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-282) Yusuke Kondo, Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, Keigo T...
--Mechanism of generating ions and radicals in fluorocarb...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-283) Toshiya Suzuki, Toshiya Suzuki, A. Malinowski, Keig...
--Subsequent temporal change of gaseous h and n radical d...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-284) R. Kometani, S. Chen, J. Park, J. Cao, Y. Lu, ''Ken...
--Control of surface properties on plasma-etched gallium ...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-285) Satomi Tajima, Toshio Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Evaluation of surface chemical bonding state and surfac...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-286) Arkadiusz Malinowski, Makoto Sekine, Masaru Hori, '...
--Investigation of plasma-surface interactions between hy...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-287) Hiroki Kondo, T. Kanda, Mineo Hiramatsu, ''Kenji Is...
--Crystalline and electrical properties of vertically-lam...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-288) M. Fukasawa, Yudai Miyawaki, Yusuke Kondo, Keigo Ta...
--Interface trap generation by VUV/UV radiation from fluo...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-289) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H. Mizuno, H. Tanaka, H. Hashiz...
--Plasma-biological surface interaction for food hygiene:...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-290) S. Tajima, T. Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekin...
--Evaluation of gas-surface reaction dynamics during the ...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-291) Y. Abe, A. Fukushima, Y. Lu, Y. Kim, K. Takeda, H. ...
--High performances of microcrystalline Si thin film form...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-292) Z. Liu, S. Chen, Y. Lu, R. Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--An in-situ sequential H and N radical exposure process ...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-293) M. Fukasawa, H. Matsugai, T. Honda, Y. Miyawaki, Y....
--Photon-stimulated surface reaction and generation of da...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-294) T. Komuro, K. Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekine...
--Highly selective etching of gap-fill dielectrics over S...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-295) T. Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekine, M. Hori.
--Quantum chemical investigations for excitation dissocia...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-296) K. Asano, Y. Miyawaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekin...
--A reduction of degradation on ArF photoresist by C5HF7 ...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-297) Y. Miyawaki, Y. Kondo, M. Sekine, ''Kenji Ishikawa'...
--Studies on plasma etching of Si3N4 in capacitively coup...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-298) R. Kometani, S. Chen, M. Liu, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H...
--A high temperature plasma etching of GaN and its reacti...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-176) Takuya Takeuchi, Shinpei Amasaki, Keigo Takeda, Hir...
--(Best poster award) Modification of ArF photoresist cau...
---The 14th International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Pro...
-177) Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Mechanism of generating ions and radicals in C3F6O plas...
---The 14th International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Pro...
-178) Keigo Takeda, Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Hiroki...
--Surface loss probability of hydrogen radical on silicon...
---8th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing (JSP...
-179) Masaru Hori, Makoto Sekine, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji I...
--(INVITED) Advanced plasma nano science and technology f...
---iPlasmaNano-III, (Nanyang Executive Centere, Singapore...
-180) Makoto Sekine, Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--(INVITED) Formation of 10-nm organic pillars by plasma ...
---iPlasmaNano-III, (Nanyang Executive Centere, Singapore...
-181) Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--Relationship between silicon thin film property and flu...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-182) Hiroshi Hashizume, Takayuki Ohta, T. Mori, Masafumi...
--Effect of atomic oxygen on inactivation of spores of P....
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-183) Shang Chen, Yi Lu, Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--The role of hydrogen radical on plasma damaged gallium ...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-184) Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji...
--Field emission properties of 10-nm organic nanopillars ...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-185) Tatsuya Hagino, Hiroyuki Kano, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Effect of electrode materials on synthesis of nano-grap...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-186) Takehiro Hiraoka, Noboru Ebizuka, Keigo Takeda, Tak...
--Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for Penicillium digi...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-187) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Sachiko Iseki, Hiroshi Hashizum...
--Real time electron spin resonance observation of Penici...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-188) Yusuke Abe, Atsushi Fukushima, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenj...
--Loss kinetics of hydrogen radicals in silane plasma.
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-189) Naoya Sumi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hideo Horibe, Akihi...
--Analysis of surface reactions mechanism on organic mate...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-190) Masanori Kato, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hi...
--Three dimensional investigation of activated species in...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-191) Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Mechanism of generating ions and radicals in C3F6O plas...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-192) Ryosuke Kometani, Shang Chen, Yi Lu, Cao David, ''K...
--Interactions with plasmas on gallium nitride at high te...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-193) Yi Lu, Shang Chen, Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Depth profiles on stoichiometry of plasma-etched GaN.
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-194) Tatsuya Komuro, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M...
--Effect of DC-bias superposed to the upper electrode of ...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-195) Yudai Miyawaki, Yusuke Kondo, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Clarification of highly selective SiO2 etching process ...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-196) Kohei Asano, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Yudai Miyawaki, Keig...
--Formation of smooth surface on 193 nm photoresist by C5...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-197) Takuya Takeuchi, Shinpei Amasaki, Keigo Takeda, ''K...
--In situ XPS anaysis of ArF photoresist surface modified...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-198) Ya Lu, Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Keigo Takeda,...
--Effect of hydrogen radical injection on plasma enhanced...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-199) Leoyung. Yu, Jun Kuki, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Crystallographic analysis of amorphous carbon films syn...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-200) Jun Kuki, Leoyung Yu, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikaw...
--Effects of RF bias on optical properties of amorphous c...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-201) Hironao Shimoeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'',...
--Evaluation of crystallographic properties of carbon nan...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-202) Tsuyoshi Horibe, S. Mitsuguchi, Hiroyuki Kano, Hiro...
--Formation and characteristics of TiO2 nanoparticles-sup...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-203) H. Cho, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Makoto Se...
--Electrical properties and crystalline structures of car...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-204) Shinpei Amasaki, Takuya Takeuchi, Keigo Takeda, ''K...
--Investigation of reaction mechanism at sidewall of thro...
---4th International Symposium on Advance Plasma Science ...
-205) Shang Chen, Yi Lu, Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Photoluminescence recovery of plasma damaged GaN by hyd...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-206) Yudai Miyawaki, Yusuke Kondo, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Clarification of mechanisms of highly selective SiO2 et...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-207) Yi Lu, Shang Chen, Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Stoichiometry protection to as-etched GaN surface using...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-208) Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji...
--Subsequent temporal change of gaseous radical density i...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-209) Shinpei Amasaki, Takuya Takeuchi, Keigo Takeda, ''K...
--Influence of SiF4 gas addition to sidewall reaction dur...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-210) Kohei Asano, Hiroshi Yamamoto, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Modification of Si-O-Si structures on porous-SiOCH film...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-211) Ryosuke Kometani, Shang Chen, Yi Lu, Cao David, ''K...
--Morphology on GaN exposed to plasmas at high temperature.
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-212) Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--Relationship between silicon thin film property and flu...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-213) Ya Lu, Atsushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Y. J. Kim, Ke...
--The effect of the deposition rate of microcrystalline s...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-214) Hiroko Moriyama, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Kazuhiro Tamiy...
--ESR signals arisen from Penicillium digitatum spores.
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-215) Hiromasa Tanaka, Kae Nakamura, Sachiko Iseki, H. Ka...
--Plasma-activated medium effectively killed glioma cance...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-216) Fengdong Jia, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hir...
--Behaviours of reactive oxygen species generated by an A...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-217) Noboru Ebizuka, Minoru Sasaki, W. Aoki, A. Bianco, ...
--Fabrication methods for volume binary grating and novel...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-218) Satomi Tajima, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Toshio Hayashi, ...
--Development of a Si dry chemical etching technique usin...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-219) Toshio Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Makoto Sekine, ...
--O2 and N2 addition effect for Si etching in CF4 plasma.
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-220) Hiroshi Hashizume, Takayuki Ohta, Masafumi Ito, Sac...
--Efficiency of ground-state atomic oxygen for inactivati...
---5th International Conference on PLAsma-Nano Technology...
-221) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Sachiko Iseki, Hiroko Moriyama,...
--Electron spin resonance (ESR) observation of radicals o...
---2012 Spring Meeting of the Material Research Society, ...
-222) Takehiro Hiraoka, Noboru Ebizka, Keigo Takeda, Taka...
--Terahertz time-domain spectroscopic sensing of Penicill...
---2012 Spring Meeting of the Material Research Society, ...
-223) Yusuke Abe, Masaru Hori, Atuschi Fukushima, Lu Ya, ...
--Measurement of the flux ratio of hydrogen atom to film ...
---5th International Workshop on Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS...
-224) Hiroki Kondo, T. Hagino, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H. Kan...
--Critical factors of synthesis rate and crystallinity of...
---4th International Conference on Microelectronics and P...
-225) H. Shimoeda, H. Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Hiram...
--Edge and surface modification of nanographenes in carbo...
---4th International Conference on Microelectronics and P...
-226) Makoto Sekine, Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--(PLENARY) Formation of 10-nm organic pillars by plasma ...
---The 15th Korea-Japan workshop for Advanced Plasma Proc...
-227) T. Tsutsumi, M. Hori, M. Sekine, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--High resolution temperature monitoring system of semico...
---The 15th Korea-Japan workshop for Advanced Plasma Proc...
-228) Y. Kondo, Y, Miyawaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', T. Hayas...
--Reaction mechanism of plasma etching using hydrogen-con...
---The 15th Korea-Japan workshop for Advanced Plasma Proc...
-229) Hiroshi Hashizumi, Takayuki Ohta, Masafumi Ito, Fen...
--Inactivation efficiencies of reactive oxygen species on...
---International Conference on Plasma Science, (Edinburgh...
-230) Makoto Sekine, Takuya Takeuchi, Shinpei Amasaki, Ke...
--Anaysis of photoresist surface modified by fluorocarbon...
---International Conference on Plasma Science, (Edinburgh...
-231) Masaru Hori, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Naoya Sumi, Keigo ...
--Real time in situ electron spin resonance (ESR) study o...
---International Conference on Plasma Science, (Edinburgh...
-232) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiromasa Tanaka, Hiroko Moriyam...
--Electron spin resonance (ESR) study of radicals on biol...
---International Conference on Plasma Science, (Edinburgh...
-233) Masaru Hori, Hiroki Kondo, Tatsuya Hagino, ''Kenji ...
--High-speed synthesis and crystalinity control of nanogr...
---XXI Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Phy...
-234) M. Hori , M. Tanaka, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H. Kondo, ...
--(PLENARY) Atmospheric pressure plasma processes and the...
---The 2nd International Symposium for Plasma Biosciences...
-235) T. Takeuchi, M. Sekine, ''K. Ishikawa'', H. Kondo, ...
--Investigation of modification of ArF photoresist during...
---14th Annual TECHCON Conference Technology & Talent for...
-236) H. Kondo, K. Yasuda, ''K. Ishikawa'', M. Sekine, M....
--Gradual transition of chemical structures at initial gr...
---The European Materials Conference European Materials R...
-237) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroko Moriyama, Naoya Sumi, Ka...
--(INVITED) Real-time / in-situ electron spin resonance a...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-238) Satomi Tajima, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Toshio Hayashi, ...
--Chemical dry etching of poly-Si and single crystal Si u...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-239) Ryosuke Kometani, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Shang Chen, Y...
--Surface roughness on plasma-etched gallium nitride (GaN).
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-240) A. Malinowski, Makoto Sekine, Masaru Hori, ''Kenji ...
--Investigation of hydrogen radical kinetics during ArF 1...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-241) Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H...
--Field electron emitter fabricated by plasma etching of ...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-242) Takuya Takeuchi, Shinpei Amasaki, Makoto Sekine, Ke...
--In situ XPS anaysis of ArF photoresist modification cau...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-243) Takanao Shimoeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'',...
--Effects of hydrogen peroxide treatment on nanostructure...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-244) T. Ohta, H. Hashizume, M. Ito, K. Takeda, ''Kenji I...
--Oxidative inactivation mechanism of fungal spores emplo...
---International Univon of Materials Research Societies (...
-245) H. J. Cho, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Makoto...
--Edge termination on electrical properties of vertically...
---2012 International Conference on Solid State Devices a...
-246) Hiromasa Tanaka, Masaaki Mizuno, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--(Award) Analysis of the intracellular molecular mechani...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 1L-O05
-247) A. Fukushima, Y. Abe, Y. Lu, K. Takeda, H. Kondo, '...
--Evaluation of relationship between μc-Si film property ...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2Gr-...
-248) Yusuke Abe, Atsushi Fukushima, Ya Lu, Youn Joon Kim...
--Spectroscopic determination of radical densities in SiH...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 1-P19
-249) Takayoshi Tsutsumi, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'...
--Non-contact temperature measurement of sapphire substra...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 1-P26
-250) Takeyoshi Horibe, Hiroki Kondo, Hiroyuki Kano, ''Ke...
--Two-step supporting of high-density metal nanoparticle ...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 1-P85
-251) Lu Ya, Astushi Fukushima, Yusuke Abe, Youn J. Kim, ...
--Microcrystal orientation of silicon thin film deposited...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P14
-252) Kuangda Sun, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki Kondo, Satomi Taj...
--The formation of the insulating film with atmospheric p...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P17
-253) T. Komuro, K. Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekine...
--Highly selective etching of dielectrics over SiC film b...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P18
-254) Kohei Asano, Yudai Miyawaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Ma...
--Mechanism and control of roughness formation on ArF pho...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P19
-255) Yudai Miyawaki, Yusuke Kondo, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Studies on plasma etching of Si3N4 employing new altern...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P20
-256) Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki ...
--Generation mechanism of ions and radicals in CHxFy etch...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P21
-257) Jongyun Park, Takuya Takeuchi, Jiadong Cao, ''Kenji...
--Change of GaAs surface properties by irradiation of Cl2...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P23
-258) Ryosuke Kometani, Shang Chen, Yi Lu, David Cao, ''K...
--Observation of plasma-exposed GaN surface at high tempe...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P24
-259) Z. Liu, S. Chen, Y. Lu, R. Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--Recovery of plasma-damaged GaN by employing exposure of...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P25
-260) Toshiya Suzuki, Arkadiusz Malinowski, Keigo Takeda,...
--Influence of last condition in plasma reactor on gaseou...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P26
-261) Takehiro Hiraoka, Keigo Takeda, Takayuki Ohta, Nobo...
--Optical properties of carbon nano walls in terahertz fr...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P45
-262) J. Cao, R. Kometani, J. Park, Y. Lu, S. Chen, ''Ken...
--Research on plasma etching of gallium based compound se...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P46
-263) Youn Joon Kim, Yi Lu, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikaw...
--Low temperature deposition and characteristics of GaN t...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P80
-264) Masaru Hori, Yusuke Abe, Atsushi Fukushima, Keigo T...
--Reconsideration on effects of H radicals on thin film s...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P96
-265) Satomi Tajima, Toshio Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Surface reaction of F2, NO, F, and FNO on Si during the...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 2-P126
-266) Hiroshi Hashizume, Susumu Nagano, Takayuki Ohta, Ma...
--Disinfection of fungal spores by atmospheric pressure r...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 3P-03
-267) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroko Mizuno, Hiromasa Tanaka,...
--Real-time electron spin resonance study on fungal spore...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 3P-04
-268) Leyong Yu, Jun Kuki, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa...
--Effect of nitrogen doping on photoconductivity of amorp...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 3P-125
-269) Hironao Shimoeda, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'',...
--Effects of hydroxyl radical on nanographene surfaces in...
---APCPST 25th SPSM, October 2-5, 2012, Kyoto Japan, 3P-129
-270) Yu Arai, Yusuke Noto, Yousuke Goto, Seiji Takahashi...
--Study of the decomposition mechanism of PMMA-type polym...
---7th International Conference on Hot-Wire Chemical Vapo...
-271) Akihiko Kono, Yu Arai, Yousuke Goto, Seiji Takahash...
--Estimation of activation energies for decomposition rea...
---7th International Conference on Hot-Wire Chemical Vapo...
-272) Keigo Takeda, Jerome Jolibois, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Measurement of activated species generated by 60 Hz exc...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-273) Takayoshi Tsutsumi, Takehiro Hiraoka, Keigo Takeda,...
--Temperature measurement of substrate with a thin film u...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-274) Makoto Sekine, Toshiya Suzuki, Keigo Takeda, Hiroki...
--Precise plasma process control based on combinatorial p...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-275) Hiroki Kondo, Tatusya Hagino, Keigo Takeda, ''Kenji...
--Study on synthesis processes and crystallinity changes ...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-276) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, T...
--Reaction model for etching surface interacted with hydr...
---65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) Octob...
-277) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', S. Chen, K. Takeda, H. Kondo, M...
--(INVITED) Healing process of plasma-damaged gallium nit...
---International conference on emerging advanced nanomate...
-278) J. S. Kularatne, Hiroyuki Kano, Masafumi Ito, Takay...
--(title) AC励起大気圧プラズマを用いた下水モニタリング装...
---5th International Symposium of Plasma Center for Indus...
-279) Hiromasa Tanaka, Masaaki Mizuno, ''Kenji Ishikawa''...
--(title) プラズマ培養液による脳腫瘍細胞のアポトーシス誘導.
---5th International Symposium of Plasma Center for Indus...
-280) Hiroshi Hashizume, Takayuki Ohta, Masafumi Ito, Fen...
--(title) ミドリカビ胞子細菌における活性酸素の定量的解析.
---5th International Symposium of Plasma Center for Indus...
-281) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hideo Horibe, Masafumi Ito, Mak...
--(INVITED) Real time in situ electron spin resonance (ES...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-282) Yusuke Kondo, Yusuke Kondo, Yudai Miyawaki, Keigo T...
--Mechanism of generating ions and radicals in fluorocarb...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-283) Toshiya Suzuki, Toshiya Suzuki, A. Malinowski, Keig...
--Subsequent temporal change of gaseous h and n radical d...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-284) R. Kometani, S. Chen, J. Park, J. Cao, Y. Lu, ''Ken...
--Control of surface properties on plasma-etched gallium ...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-285) Satomi Tajima, Toshio Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', ...
--Evaluation of surface chemical bonding state and surfac...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-286) Arkadiusz Malinowski, Makoto Sekine, Masaru Hori, '...
--Investigation of plasma-surface interactions between hy...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-287) Hiroki Kondo, T. Kanda, Mineo Hiramatsu, ''Kenji Is...
--Crystalline and electrical properties of vertically-lam...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-288) M. Fukasawa, Yudai Miyawaki, Yusuke Kondo, Keigo Ta...
--Interface trap generation by VUV/UV radiation from fluo...
---American Vacuum Society (AVS), Tampa, Florida, USA, (O...
-289) ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H. Mizuno, H. Tanaka, H. Hashiz...
--Plasma-biological surface interaction for food hygiene:...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-290) S. Tajima, T. Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekin...
--Evaluation of gas-surface reaction dynamics during the ...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-291) Y. Abe, A. Fukushima, Y. Lu, Y. Kim, K. Takeda, H. ...
--High performances of microcrystalline Si thin film form...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-292) Z. Liu, S. Chen, Y. Lu, R. Kometani, ''Kenji Ishika...
--An in-situ sequential H and N radical exposure process ...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-293) M. Fukasawa, H. Matsugai, T. Honda, Y. Miyawaki, Y....
--Photon-stimulated surface reaction and generation of da...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-294) T. Komuro, K. Takeda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekine...
--Highly selective etching of gap-fill dielectrics over S...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-295) T. Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekine, M. Hori.
--Quantum chemical investigations for excitation dissocia...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-296) K. Asano, Y. Miyawaki, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', M. Sekin...
--A reduction of degradation on ArF photoresist by C5HF7 ...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-297) Y. Miyawaki, Y. Kondo, M. Sekine, ''Kenji Ishikawa'...
--Studies on plasma etching of Si3N4 in capacitively coup...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...
-298) R. Kometani, S. Chen, M. Liu, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', H...
--A high temperature plasma etching of GaN and its reacti...
---The 34th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS),...