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Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) has been started from April, 2024

Project area name is "Plasma-driven seed memory operation: Frontiers in molecular dynamics in seeds driven by plasma"

24H02254 "プラズマ駆動生化学反応の学理構築:活性種の動態解析" (KAKEN) Principal investigator: Kenji Ishikawa

Plasma-based in situ functionalization based on functional nitrogen science

Functional nitrogen science is now emerged for effective utilization of reactive nitrogen species (RNS). The technologies are related to water and air plasma-based nitrogen fixation. Electron impact reactions and chemical reactions among nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen, can occur on non-equilibrium plasma processing. Key issues are on in situ generation of RNS at the point of use and plasma-based nitrogen cycles of ammonia and nitric acid. (link to) Ishikawa Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 61 SA0802 (2022).

Nitrogen derivatives (Diagram): Short-lived nitrogen derivatives react to generate various RNS in situ through oxidation and hydrogenation.

Upcoming meeting

Color: Oversea, Domestic


May 20, 2024
May 24, 2024
FUJI記念講演会「産と学の協創によるイノベーションの未来」於:EI創発工学館 FUJIホール
May 27, 2024
May 28, 2024
May 29, 2024
教務委員会, 中部人材育成
May 29, 2024
学術変革研究(A)プラズマ種子科学会合 於:福岡
May 30, 2024
June 6, 2024
岐阜薬科大学 特別講義
June 6, 2024
June 10-11, 2024
June 10-12, 2024
(not attend) 14th PESM 2024 and 2nd International Workshop on Plasma Cryogenic Etching Processes (PlaCEP) to be held at IMEC in Leuven, Belgium (PlaCEP Web), (PESM web) Dr Sekine will have an invited talk.
June 12, 2024
June 16-20, 2024
(not attend) 51st International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) & the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma and Terahertz Science (APCOPTS) to be held in Beijing, China. (Web)
June 17, 2024
June 20, 2024
JSTさくら センター見学
June 21, 2024
June 24-28, 2024
3rd US Low Temperature Plasma Summer School, 2024 to be held on the campus of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. (Web)
June 24-26, 2024
The 14th International Symposium on Plasma Bioscience (ISPB) to be held at Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea.
June 24, 2024
June 25, 2024
June 25, 2024
(Closed) R052 DXプラズマ研究会 2024年度第2回研究会 於:東京
June 25, 2024
UPWARDS第3回国内5大学会議 於:九州,オンライン
June 26, 2024
June 27, 2024
June 28, 2024
グリーンDXプラズマコンソーシアム(CGDX) 2024年度第2回定期講習会
June 28, 2024
学術変革研究(A)プラズマ種子科学公開シンポジウム 於:福岡
July 2-5, 2024
International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes (ISSP) to be held at Kyoto. (Web)
July 6-21, 2024
UPWARDS レンセラー工科大学派遣プログラム
July 9-13, 2024
ESCAMPIG Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases 2024 (ESCAMPIG) in Masaryk University (MUNI), Brno, the Czech Republic (Web)
July 20, 2024
会合 (試)
July 23, 2024
July 24, 2024
July 25, 2024
July 29-August 9, 2024
UPWARDS summer intensive program at Nagoya University (pilot)
August 1-2, 2024
August 6, 2024
(Closed) R052 DXプラズマ研究会 2024年度第3回研究会 於:東京
August 8, 2024
August 9-24, 2024
UPWARDS ロチェスター工科大学派遣プログラム
August 12-16, 2024
ALD/ALE 24th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2024) and the 11th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALE 2024) to be held at Messukeskus in Helsinki, Finland. (Web) Abstract submission Deadline is February 15, 2024
August 12-16, 2024
ICDDPS 5th International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science (ICDDPS-5) to be held in Berkeley, USA. (Web) Deadline is January 12, 2024.
August 18-21, 2024
67th Korean Vacuum Society Summer Annual Conference and IFFM 2024, 11th International Joint Symposium Nano-bioscience and digital technology for applications, and Plasma Technology and Data Science (KVSS) to be held at Jeju Shinhwa World Hotel & Resorts, Seogwipo-si, Jeju
August 20-23, 2024
August 22, 2024
August 26-27, 2024
August 28, 2024
科学フェスティバル 於:名古屋大学
September 2, 2024
September 2–4, 2024
電気学会A部門大会 於:愛媛
September 2–5, 2024
(not attend) 19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE) to be held at Trade Fair Erfurt / Congress Center Erfurt, GERMANY
September 4-6, 2024
2024年度プラズマエレクトロニクス分科会インキュベーションホール 於:国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター (Access)(東京都渋谷区代々木神園町3-1)
September 8-13 2024
ICPM 10th International Conference on Plasma Medicine (ICPM10), together with 9th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment (IWPCT) to be held in LifeClass Hotels & Spa Portorož, Slovenia. (Web) Deadline is March 10, 2023.
September 9-11, 2024
September 16-20, 2024
応物秋 2024年(令和6年)応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会 to be held at Toki Messe (朱鷺メッセ), Niigata, Japan.
September 24, 2024
September 24, 2024
September 26, 2024
September 27, 2024
September 27, 2024
グリーンDXプラズマコンソーシアム(CGDX) 2024年度第3回定期講習会
September 30-October 4, 2024
GEC 77th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) to be held at San Diego, California, USA. (Web)
October 6-11, 2024
ECS 246th Electrochemical society (PRiME 2024) to be held at Hawaii Convention Center & Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, USA (Web) Abstract submission deadline is April 12, 2024
October 14-17, 2024
VSSCAA The 12th Vacuum and Surface Science Conferences of Asia and Australia (VSSCAA-12), to be held at Taipei international conference center (TICC), Taiwan. (Web)
October 22, 2024
October 23, 2024
October 28-30, 2024
The Regional Conference in Materials Engineering (RCME) of ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/ SEED-Net) in department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering of the College of Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman. (Web)
October 30, 2024
(Closed) R052 DXプラズマ研究会 2024年度第4回研究会 於:東京
October 31, 2024
November 3-8, 2024
AVS 70th AVS International Symposium & Exhibition to be held at Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida (Web)
November 3-8, 2024
AAPPS-DPP AAPPS-DPP2024 Annual Conference to be held at Grand Swiss-Bel Hotel, Malacca, Malaysia (Web)
November 11, 2024
November 11-13, 2024
UPWARDS at Hiroshima University
November 12-15, 2024
MNC 37th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2024) to be held at Kyoto Brighton Hotel, Kyoto, Japan. (Web)
November 13-15, 2024
November 14-15, 2024
DPS 45th International symposium on dry process (DPS) to be held at Chitose, Hokkaido, Japan. (Web)
November 15-16, 2024
大学院教育改革フォーラム2024 於:名古屋大学
November 17-20, 2024
プラ核 プラズマ核融合学会年会 於:タワーホール船堀(東京都)
November 21, 2024
接着学会 中部支部 接着マスターコース
November 26, 2024
November 27, 2024
November 28, 2024
November 29, 2024
グリーンDXプラズマコンソーシアム(CGDX) 2024年度実習
November 29, 2024
December 1-6, 2024
MRS 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, to be held at Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Web) Dr Hori will organize and chair a symposium. Abstract Submission Deadline is Monday, June 24, 2024
December 19, 2024
グリーンDXプラズマコンソーシアム(CGDX) 2024年度第4回定期講習会
December 24, 2024
December 25, 2024
December 26, 2024


January XX, 2025
Symposium on Plasma Processing (SPP-42)
January 14-16, 2025
(Closed) R052 DXプラズマ研究会 2024年度第5回研究会 於:金沢
January 18-19, 2025
January 28, 2025
January 29, 2025
January 30, 2025
February X, 2025
会合 (試)
February 10-12, 2025
Workshop at Bochum, Germany
February 25, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 28, 2025
March 3-7, 2025
ISPlasma ISPlasma 2025 to be held at Kasugai campus of Chubu University, Japan.
March 13, 2025
拠点進捗状況報告会, 相談会(仮)
March X, 2025
グリーンDXプラズマコンソーシアム(CGDX) 2024年度第5回定期講習会
March 14-17, 2025
応物春 2025年(令和7年)第72回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 to be held on Tokyo Science University, Chiba, Japan.
March 21, 2025
March 25, 2025
March 24-26, 2025
International TFT Conference, to be held at Nara Park Bus Terminal.
June 15-20, 2025
26th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC) at Minneapolis, USA (Web)
September 7-10, 2025
応物秋 2025年(令和7年)応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会 to be held at Nagoya, Japan.
September 21-26, 2025
AVS 71st AVS International Symposium & Exhibition to be held, at Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
September 21-26, 2025
AAPPS-DPP AAPPS-DPP2024 Annual Conference to be held at Fukuoka International Congress Center, Japan
October 20-24, 2025
GEC 78th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) to be held at Seoul, Korea.
November , 2025
DPS 46th DPS to be held at Ehime, Japan
November , 2025
Asian European Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE) 2025, to be held at Phuket, Thailand.
December 1-4, 2025


September 21-26, 2026
AAPPS-DPP AAPPS-DPP2024 Annual Conference to be held at Exhibition and Convention Center in Busan port (BPEX), Korea

meeting2024, meeting2023, meeting2022, meeting2021, meeting2020, meeting2019, meeting2018, meeting2017, meeting2016, meeting2015, meeting2014, meeting2013, meeting2012, meeting2011

JSPF calendar, MRS calendar, APS calendar, conferences calendar


Metabolomic profiles display a novel mechanism on cell death that is induced specifically by incubation in the non-thermal plasma treated solutions

The plasma-activated lactated solution (PAL) exhibits antitumor effects in glioblastoma U251SP cells. The PAL-treated U251SP cells exhibited changes in intracellular metabolites that were reductive in the redox state.

Non-thermal plasma–activated lactate solution kills U251SP glioblastoma cells in an innate reductive manner with altered metabolism

Kenji Ishikawa, Yugo Hosoi et al. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 688, 108414 (pp. 1-9) (July 30, 2020). link

Nonthermal plasma-activated medium (PAM) modified metabolomic profiles in glycolysis of U251SP glioblastoma

Naoyoyuki Kurake, Kenji Ishikawa et al. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 662, pp.83-92 (February 15, 2019). link

Real-time in situ ESR

Our paper was published on-line in the Applied Physics Letters (IF 2011 = 3.844) on July 2 issue of 2012.

Real-time In Situ Electron Spin Resonance Measurements on Fungal Spores of Penicillium digitatum during Exposure of Oxygen Plasmas

Kenji Ishikawa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 013704 (2012). link, arXiv

Real-time in situ ESR

Our paper was published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (I.F. 2011 = 6.213)


Synergistic Formation of Radicals by Irradiation with both Vacuum Ultraviolet and Atomic Hydrogen: a Real-time in situ Electron Spin Resonance Study

We report on the surface modification of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) as an example of soft- and bio-materials that occur under plasma discharge by kinetics analysis of radical formation using in situ real-time electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements. During irradiation with hydrogen plasma, simultaneous measurements of the gas-phase ESR signals of atomic hydrogen and the carbon dangling bond (C-DB) on PTFE were performed. Dynamic changes of the C-DB density were observed in real time, where the rate of density change was accelerated during initial irradiation and then became constant over time. It is noteworthy that C-DBs were formed synergistically by irradiation with both vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and atomic hydrogen. The in situ real-time ESR technique is useful to elucidate synergistic roles during plasma surface modification.

Kenji Ishikawa et al. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2, 1278 (2011). link

This paper won the 11th Plasma Electronics Award awarded by the Plasma Electronics division of the Japanese Society of Applied Physics on March 28, 2013.

Copyright Kenji Ishikawa (c) 2009-2023 Center for Low-temperature plasma sciences, Nagoya University.