#author("2020-11-21T11:01:05+09:00","default:ishikawa","ishikawa") #author("2020-11-21T11:01:56+09:00","default:ishikawa","ishikawa") [[Home]] *Past meetings 2011 [#k25febe2] :November 17-18, 2011|[[JSAP hokuriku(in Japanese):http://jsap-hokushin.eng.niigata-u.ac.jp/]] Kanazawa, Japan. Prof. Horibe's group will give presentations on this conference. Mr Watanabe will give a presentation 18p-C-08, entitled "加熱触媒体により生成した原子状水素を用いたPMMA 系ポリマーの除去" at 16:00 on Nov. 18. :November 14-18, 2011|[[GEC in Salt-lake City, U.S.A.:http://conferences.wsu.edu/conferences/gec/]] Mr Takeuchi will give an oral presentation on Nov. 17, NR1.00005, "Study on modification process of photoresist by fluorocarbon ions and radicals". Mr Miyawaki will give an oral presentation on Nov. 17, NR1.00006, "Mechanism of Highly Selective SiO2 Etching over Si using New Alternative Gas, C5HF7". Prof. Dr Hayashi will give a poster presentation on Nov. 17, QRP1.00013, "Quantum chemical investigation for Chemical dry etching by flowing NF3 into H2 down flow plasma". Mr Hiraoka will give an oral presentation on Nov. 15, DT2.00007, "Evaluation of Penicillium digitatum sterilization using non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy". Mr Abe will give an oral presentation on Nov. 15, ET1.00004, "Behavior of radicals in SiH4/H2 plasma for fabrication of solar cell using silicon thin film". // Deadline July 15. :November 22-25, 2011|[[Plasma Conference 2011:http://www.jspf.or.jp/PLASMA2011/eng/index.html]] in Ishikawa Ongakudo Kanazawa, Japan. Dr Ishikawa will give an invited presentation 10:40-11:10 on Nov. 24, S-04-01, "電子スピン共鳴測定によるプラズマ表面相互作用のその場観察"(in Japanese). Dr Hashizume will give a presentation 15:50 on Nov. 22, 22G11, "低温大気圧プラズマとミドリカビ胞子の相互作用". Mr Cho will give a presentation 17:30 on Nov. 22 22B07, "CH4/H2プラズマを用いて成長したカーボンナノウォールの結晶構造および電気的特性". Mr Kato will give an oral presentation on Nov. 23, 23G09 "O2/Ar非平衡大気圧プラズマにおける活性種の3次元気相反応解析". // Deadline on August 5. :November 28-December 2, 2011|[[MRS Fall:http://www.mrs.org/fall2011/]] in Boston, U.S.A. // Deadline on June 18. //:December 2-9, 2011|IEDM in U.S.A. :October 30-November 4, 2011|[[AVS in Tennessee, U.S.A.:http://www2.avs.org/symposium/AVS58/pages/info.html]] Dr Ishikawa will give an oral presentation on Thu 3:00PM, [[PS+SS-ThA-4:http://www.avssymposium.org/Schedule/SessionSchedule.aspx?sessionCode=PS+SS-ThA]], "Polymer Surface Modification: Real-time In Situ Electron Spin Resonance Study for Plasma Processes". Prof. Sekine will given an oral presention on Tue 17:20 PS1-TuA-11 "Mechanism of Highly Selective SiO2 Etching over Si3N4, Si and Photoresist Using Hydro-Fluorocarbon Gases". Dr Jia will give an oral presentation on Wed 4:40PM, SE+PS-WeA-9, "High Performance of 60-Hz Atmospheric Pressure Plasma: Basic Characteristics and Applications". Mr Chin, D2 student, will give an oral presentation on Thu 11:20AM, PS-ThM-11, "Room Temperature Radical Annealing of Plasma Damaged Gallium Nitride". :November 8-12, 2011|International conference on thin film [[ICTF-15:http://www.ictf15.jp/index.html]] Kyoto Terrasa, Japan. Mr Fukushima, Mr Kuki will give presentation on this conference. // Deadline extended to June 30 :November 10-11, 2011|[[DPS in Kyoto, Japan:http://www.dps2011.kuaero.kyoto-u.ac.jp/]] Kyoto Garden Palace, Kyoto, Japan. Mr Sumi will give an oral presentation on 15:20 Nov. 11, E-3 "Real time/in situ electron spin resonance analysis of surface reaction on organic materials". Mr Asano will give an oral presentation on 16:10 Nov. 10, B-3 "Inhibition of roughness formation on 193nm photoresist during C5HF7/O2/Ar plasma". Mr Takeuchi (P1-04), Mr Amasaki (P1-06), Mr Kondo (P1-12), Mr Komuro (P1-20), Mr Kometani (P1-21), and Mr Miyawaki (P103) will poster presentations. Prof. Dr. Hayashi (P1-01) will give a poster presentation. Dr Tomiya from Sony, our collaborator, will give an oral presentation on 14:30 Nov. 10, A-5, "Plasma induced damage to InGaN single quantum well". // deadline July %%12%% 26. :September 19-22, 2011|The 8th Asian European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering ([[AEPSE 2011:http://www.aepse2011.mse.tsinghua.edu.cn/]]) in Dalian, China. Dr Ishikawa will give an invited presentation on Sept. 22, ThB8-1, "In-situ ESR measurements for revealing plasma-surface interactions". Dr Jia will give a poster presentation P-161, "Highly Spatial Mapping of Atomic Oxygen Density in a 60-Hz Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas Using Calibrated Two-Photon Laser-Induced Fluorescence". Mr Kondo (M2) will give a poster presentation P-310, "Modeling of C3F6O/Ar Plasma Chemistry for SiO2 Etching Processes". // Deadline %%May 31%% %%June 30%% July 15. //:September 19-22, 2011|[[MNE2011:http://www.mne2011.org]] in Berlin, Germany // Deadline on June 13 //:September 19-22, 2011|[[IUMRS 2011:http://www.mse.nthu.edu.tw/~IUMRS-ICA2011/]] 12th International Conference on the International Union of Materials Research Societies in Asia, Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall (TWTC Nangang) // Deadline on August 15 :September 27-30, 2011|[[SSDM in Nagoya, Japan:http://www.ssdm.jp/]] Dr Ishikawa will give an oral presentation on 16:10, September 30, 2011, C-9-1, “In Situ Analysis of Plasma-Induced Modification on Porous SiOCH Films”. Mr Abe will give an oral presentation. Mr Ro, Mr Suzuki, and Mr Hagino will give poster presentations. // Deadline on June 13 //:October 4-6, 2011|[[Advanced Metallization Conference(AMC) Conference:http://www.sematech.org/meetings/announcements/9146/]] Hyatt Regency Mission Bay, San Diego, CA. //Deadline on June 17, 2011. :September 7-10, 2011|[[SISPAD in Osaka, Japan:http://www.si.eei.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/sispad/2011/]] Mr Malinowski will give a poster presentation. :September 12-16, 2011|[[ESSDERC in Finland:http://www.essderc2011.org]] Mr Malinowski will give a poster presentation in fringe poster session, 13/D, "Development of radical kinetic behaviour investigation method and its application for sticking coefficient estimation". :September 13-15, 2011|[[Advanced Metallization Conference 2011:http://www.admeta.org/]] at Shibaura Institute of Technology (Toyosu Campus), Tokyo in Japan. Mr Asano will give an oral presentation on 14:40, September 13, 2011, (3-4) "In-situ Analysis of Modification on Porous SiOCH During and After O2 Plasmas" // Deadline on June 20, 2011. Extended on July 4, 2011. :August 29- September 2, 2011|The 72nd Fall Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) in the Yamagata University. Deadline on June 5. :August 28- September 2, 2011|[[ICPIG in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK:http://www.qub.ac.uk/icpig2011]] deadline May 18. :July 24-29, 2011|[[ISPC in Philadelphia, U.S.A.:http://ispc20.plasmainstitute.org/]] Abst. deadline on Mar. 31. :July 21-22, 2011|13th International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processing and Diagnostics (KJ13) at [[National Fusion Research Institute:http://www.nfri.re.kr/english/]], Deajeon in Korea. :July 19-20, 2011|[[24th Symp. on Plasma Sci. for Mater. (SPSM-24):http://www.jwri.osaka-u.ac.jp/~conf/spsm24/]] at Osaka University in Japan. Abst. deadline on May 31. :July 4-7, 2011|[[ICMAP in China:http://www.icmap2011.org/]] at Dalian, China. Mr Suzuki, D1 student, will give an oral presentation. :June 17-18, 2011|[[8th Cat-CVD:http://www2.kanazawa-it.ac.jp/horibe/8th-cat-cvd.htm]] at Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan. Mr Sumi, M2 student, won award for the best poster presentation on this conference. [[Award (pdf):http://www.plasma.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ishikawa/pdf/catcvd8_award.pdf]] :June 17-18, 2011|[[8th Cat-CVD:http://www2.kanazawa-it.ac.jp/horibe/8th-cat-cvd.htm]] at Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan. Mr Sumi, M2 student, won award for the best poster presentation on this conference.