#author("2020-11-21T11:00:04+09:00","default:ishikawa","ishikawa") [[Home]] *Past meetings 2013 [#o6cd9141] :December 26, 2013| 第5回プラズマ医療・健康産業シンポジウム (in Japanese) :December 20-22, 2013| 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT) will be held at Hsinchu, Taiwan [[web:http://www.apspt8.tw]] //&color(red){Deadline is on July 30, 2013.}; :December 16, 2013| プラズマ・核融合学会 第26回専門講習会 『プラズマの農業応用の現状と将来』 (in Japanese) will be held at 九州大学 箱崎キャンパス 創造パビリオンII :December 9-11, 2013| International Symposium on Frontier of Nano-Materials Based on Advanced Plasma Technologies in 23rd Annual Meeting on Material Research Society of Japan (MRS-J), to be held on Yokohama Port Opening Plaza, Yokohama, Japan. [[web:http://mrs-j.org/meeting/2013/]] &color(red){Dr Ishikawa will have a presentation on "Synthesis of graphene Using Alcohol In-Liquid Plasma" at 15:10-15:30 on Dec. 9, 2013.}; Mr Amano and Mr Ando will also have presentations on 15:30- on Dec. 9, and 10:30- on Dec. 10. Dr Hashizume will have a presentation on 17:00 on Dec. 11. //&color(red){Deadline is on September 30, 2013.}; :December 4-6, 2013| International Conference on Plasma Science and Applications (ICPSA2013) [[web:http://icpsa2013.nie.edu.sg/]] to be held at Singapore. &color(red){Dr Ishikawa will have an invited presentation on "Diagnostics of plasma-biological surface interactions in atmospheric pressure plasmas" at 11:05-11:30 on Dec. 4, 2013.}; :December 3-6, 2013| Molecular Biology Society of Japan [[web:http://www.mbsj.jp/index.html]] (in Japanese) 第37回日本分子生物学会年会 [[web:http://www.aeplan.co.jp/mbsj2013/]] 於: 神戸ポートアイランド :December 2-6, 2013| 8th international conference on advanced materials (THERMEC 2013) [[web:http://www.thermec.org/]] to be held at Las Vegas, USA. :November 21-23, 2013| 電気学会プラズマ研究会 於:名城大学名駅サテライト 〆切:9/30 [[web:https://workshop.iee.or.jp/sbtk/cgi-bin/sbtk-showprogram.cgi?workshopid=SBW000027C1]] :November 14-15, 2013| &color(black){第5回薄膜太陽電池セミナー};2013 (in Japanese) [[web:http://www.plasma.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/thinfilm2013/]] Mr Miwa have a poster presentation. :November 11-15, 2013| 55th Annual Meeting of the [[APS Division of Plasma Physics:http://www.apsdpp.org/]] (DPP), to be held at Denver, Colorado. [[web:http://www.aps.org/units/dpp/meetings/annual/]] :November 8, 2013| 第24回 プラズマエレクトロニクス講習会 (in Japanese) [[web:http://annex.jsap.or.jp/plasma/PE_files/kousyu2013/index.html]] at the University of Tokyo. :November 7, 2013| AEC/APC Asia 2013 to be held at National Center of Sciences Building in Tokyo. [[web:http://www.semiconportal.com/AECAPC/index_e.html]] :November 7, 2013| 第7回プラズマナノ工学スクール (in Japanese) [[web:http://www.plasma.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/school2013/]] &color(red){Dr Ishikawa will have a lecture on "実践的プラズマ計測手法".}; :October 30-November 1, 2013| 第一回 がんと代謝研究会 (in Japanese) [[web:http://can-meta2013.iab.keio.ac.jp/]] :October 27-November 1, 2013| AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. [[web:http://www.avs.org/]] Dr Ishikawa will have an oral presentation &color(red){PS-WeM-2 "Plasma induced surface roughness of ArF photoresist examined by plasma-beam processes" at 8:20-40 on Oct. 30.}; Also three oral presentations PS1-TuA-10, PS2-TuA-11, and PS-ThA-6, and a poster presentation PS-TuP-11 will be presented. //&color(red){Deadline is on May 6, 2013.}; :October 7-10, 2013| Advanced Metallization Conference (ADMETA) 2013 to be held at the University of Tokyo, Japan. [[web:http://www.admeta.org/]] :September 30-October 4, 2013| 66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) to be held at Princeton, NJ, USA. [[web:http://www.aps.org/units/gec/meetings/annual/index.cfm]] Dr Takeda will have an oral presentation DT2.00004 "Measurement of activated species generated by AC power excited non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure Ar plasma jet with air engulfment" at 10:15 on Oct. 1, 2013. Dr Hori or Dr Tanaka, LW3.00003 "Plasma-activated medium induced apoptosis on tumor cells" at 16:15 on Oct. 2, 2013. Dr Miyawaki, LW1.00005 "Reduction Mechanism of Surface Roughness on ArF-Photoresist Using C5HF7 Gas Plasma" at 16:45 on Oct. 2, 2013. Dr Ito, MR1.00053 "Reaction mechanism between cell membranes of P. digitatum spores and oxygen radicals" at 8:00 on Oct. 3, 2013. //&color(red){Deadline is on June 14, 2013.}; :September 28, 2013| 新学術領域研究「プラズマ医療科学の創成」公開シンポジウム (in Japanese) [[web:http://plasmamed.jp]] :September 25-27, 2013| JSAP-PE Incubation Hall (プラズマエレクトロニクス分科会インキュベーションホール) 国立中央青少年交流の家(〒412-0006 静岡県御殿場市中畑2092-5) :September 24-27, 2013| 2013 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2013) [[web:http://www.ssdm.jp/]] will be held at Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk, Fukuoka, Japan. //&color(red){Deadline is on May 27 %%May 13%%, 2013.}; :September 23-24, 2013| The 26th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM-26) [[web:http://plasma.ed.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~spsm26/]] will be held at Centennial Hall in Hospital Campus of Kyushu University. This symposium is organized by JSPS153 [[web:http://plasma153.jp]] //&color(red){Deadline is on July 22, 2013.}; :September 16-20, 2013| The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) and the Materials Research Society (MRS) are excited to announce the 2013 [[JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia:https://www.gakkai-web.net/gakkai/jsap/jsap_mrs/hp/index.html]], which will be held in Kyoto, Japan on September 16-20, 2013. These symposia continue collaborations between the two societies initiated at the 2012 MRS Spring Meeting bringing together researchers from around the world. Symposium O: Plasma Processing and Diagnostics for Life Sciences. Dr Ishikawa will have an oral presentation &color(red){16a-M3-7 " Chemical analyses of edible meat irradiated atmospheric pressure plasmas" at 11:30-11:45 on September 16.}; //&color(red){Deadline is on %%March 31%% April 12, 2013.}; :September 16-20, 2013| Fall meeting on the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) [[web:http://www.jsap.or.jp/]] to be held at Kyoto, Japan. &color(red){Dr Ishikawa will have an invited talk about the winning work of the 11th JSAP plasma electronics award "プラズマ-表面相互作用の実時間その場電子スピン共鳴分光研究" 17p-C11-6 at afternoon on September 17.}; (in Japanese) //&color(red){Deadline is on June 3, 2013.}; :September 9-13, 2013| The 19th International Vacuum Congress (IVC19) will be held at Paris, France. [[web:http://www.ivc19.com/]] //&color(red){Deadline for abstract submission is on February 5, 2013.}; :September 6, 2013| テクノフェア名大2013 (in Japanese) [[web:http://www.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/techno/techno2013/]] :August 29 - September 4, 2013| 14th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2013) [[web:http://www.icsb2013.dk/]] will held at Copenhagen, Denmark. :August 29-30, 2013| The 35th International Symposium on Dry process (DPS) to be held at Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju island, Korea. [[web:http://www.dry-process.org/2013/index.html]] //&color(red){Deadline is on May 13 %%April 26%%,2013.}; :August 25-30, 2013| The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2013) to be held at Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju, Korea. [[web:http://aepse2013.org/]] Dr Ishikawa will have &color(red){an invited talk " In-situ ESR measurements for plasma materials interactions" at 10:40-11:10 on August 28.}; :August 25-30, 2013| 10th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS10) [[web:http://www.icns10.org/]] to be held at Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center Washington – DC Metropolitan Area, USA. Dr Hiroko Iguchi will have a poster presentation &color(red){DP1.20 "Effects of high temperature etching of GaN using Cl2 plasma" at 18:00- on August 26.}; Other poster presentations, AP1.59 "Surface analysis of GaN at elevated substrate temperature", AP1.61 "Recovery of plasma damaged GaN by in situ radical exposure" will also be presented at 18:00- on August 26. //&color(red){Deadline is on April 16, 2013.}; :August 4-8, 2013| The 21st International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 21) at the Cairns Convention Center, Australia. [[web:http://www.ispc21.com/]] Dr Hori will have an oral presentation entitled "Hydrogen radical-injection plasma fabricated microcrystalline silicon thin film for solar cells" at 15:00-15:30 on Aug. 8. Dr Tanaka will have a poster presentation entitled "Plasma-activated medium induced apoptosis on glioblastoma brain tumor cells by in hibiting growth/survival signaling" at 16:00-18:00 on Aug. 6. //&color(red){Deadline is extended March 1, %%January 21%%, 2013.}; Notification of acceptance into program on March 15, 2013. //Full papers due is on May 31, 2013. :July 14-19, 2013| The 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12) to be held at International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, JAPAN. [[web:http://www.jps.or.jp/APPC12/index.html]] //&color(red){Deadline is on April 20 %%10%%, 2013.}; :July 14-19, 2013| International Conference on the Physics of Ionized Gases (ICPIG) to be held at Granada, Spain. [[web:http://www.icpig2013.net]] //&color(red){Deadline is on March 1, 2013.}; :June 26-28, 2013| The 55th Electronic Materials Conference (EMC) [[web:http://www.mrs.org/55th-emc/]] will be held at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. :June 13-15, 2013| 2013 International Interconnect Technology Conference to be held at Kyoto, Japan. [[web:http://www.semiconportal.com/IITC2013/]] :June 13-14, 2013| The 66th annual meeting on the Society for Free Radical Research JAPAN (日本酸化ストレス学会学術集会 [in Japanese]), [[web:http://sfrrj66.umin.jp/]] will be held at [[WINC aichi:http://www.winc-aichi.jp]], Nagoya JAPAN. Prof. Toyokuni is the organizer of this conference and Prof. Hori will have a presentation "大気圧・液中プラズマの医療応用におけるフリーラジカル" (in Japanese). Dr Ishikawa will have an oral presentation for 12 min at a session entitled "Free radical analysis (ESR)" 15:16-16:04 on June 14, 2013. //&color(red){Deadline is on March 15, 2013.}; :May 24-25, 2013| The 17th International Workshop of Advanced Plasma Processing and Diagnostics (KJ Workshop) to be held at Korea. :April 11-13, 2013| The 113th Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society (日本外科学会定期学術集会[in Japanese]) to be held at Fukuoka. [[web:http://www.congre.co.jp/jss2013/]] Prof. Shimizu, the University of Tokyo, will have a presentation "VSY-6-1 マイルドプラズマを用いた新規止血デバイスの開発" at ビデオシンポジウム(6)「新しい機器がもたらす内視鏡手術の新展開」 on April 11. :March 27-30, 2013| Spring meeting on the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) to be held at Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Atsugi, Japan. //Deadline is January 6, 2013. :March 14-15, 2013| Plasma Etch and Strip in Microtechnology (PESM) will be held at Leuven, Belgium. [[web:http://www.pesm2013.be/pesm2013/]] :March 10-13, 2013| The 22th conference on Materials for Advanced Metallization (MAM) will be held at Leuven, Belgium. [[web:http://www.mam-conference.org/]] :March 8, 2013| 第六回 光・プラズマプロセスのバイオ応用ワークショップ (in Japanese) [[web:http://www.camt.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/bapp/index_j.htm]] will be held at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan :February 15, 2013| 第156回シリコンテクノロジー研究集会「プラズマプロセスの最前線」 (in Japanese) [[web:http://annex.jsap.or.jp/silicon/shousai/dai156.htm]] will be held at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan :February 2-3, 2013| 6th International Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Sciences (IC-PLANTS 2013) [[web:http://www.plasma.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/IC-2013/]] to be held in Gero, Gifu, Japan. //Deadline is October 31. :January 28-February 1, 2013| 5th International Symposium on advanced plasma science, its application for processing and manufacturing of nitrides and nanomaterials (ISPlasma 2013) [[web:http://www.isplasma.jp]] to be held at Nagoya University, Nagoya in Japan. Mr Kometani will have an Oral presentation, Tha-A03OA: "High temperature plasma etching of GaN". //&color(red){Deadline is September 18.}; :January 21-23, 2013| 30th Symposium on Plasma Processes (SPP-30) [[web (in Japanese):http://www.eng.shizuoka.ac.jp/~spp30/]] to be held at ACT CITY Hamamatsu, Shizuoka in Japan. Mr Kometani will have an Oral presentation: "High temperature plasma etching of GaN". Prof Hayashi will have an Oral presentation . //Deadline is October %%15%%31, 2012.