*Past meetings 2013 [#o6cd9141]
:December 26, 2013| 第5回プラズマ医療・健康産業シンポジ...
:December 20-22, 2013| 8th Asia-Pacific International Sym...
//&color(red){Deadline is on July 30, 2013.};
:December 16, 2013| プラズマ・核融合学会 第26回専門講習...
:December 9-11, 2013| International Symposium on Frontier...
//&color(red){Deadline is on September 30, 2013.};
:December 4-6, 2013| International Conference on Plasma S...
:December 3-6, 2013| Molecular Biology Society of Japan [...
:December 2-6, 2013| 8th international conference on adva...
:November 21-23, 2013| 電気学会プラズマ研究会 於:名城大...
:November 14-15, 2013| &color(black){第5回薄膜太陽電池セ...
:November 11-15, 2013| 55th Annual Meeting of the [[APS D...
:November 8, 2013| 第24回 プラズマエレクトロニクス講習会 ...
:November 7, 2013| AEC/APC Asia 2013 to be held at Nation...
:November 7, 2013| 第7回プラズマナノ工学スクール (in Japa...
:October 30-November 1, 2013| 第一回 がんと代謝研究会 (in...
:October 27-November 1, 2013| AVS 60th International Symp...
//&color(red){Deadline is on May 6, 2013.};
:October 7-10, 2013| Advanced Metallization Conference (A...
:September 30-October 4, 2013| 66th Annual Gaseous Electr...
//&color(red){Deadline is on June 14, 2013.};
:September 28, 2013| 新学術領域研究「プラズマ医療科学の創...
:September 25-27, 2013| JSAP-PE Incubation Hall (プラズマ...
:September 24-27, 2013| 2013 International Conference on ...
//&color(red){Deadline is on May 27 %%May 13%%, 2013.};
:September 23-24, 2013| The 26th Symposium on Plasma Scie...
//&color(red){Deadline is on July 22, 2013.};
:September 16-20, 2013| The Japan Society of Applied Phys...
//&color(red){Deadline is on %%March 31%% April 12, 2013.};
:September 16-20, 2013| Fall meeting on the Japan Society...
//&color(red){Deadline is on June 3, 2013.};
:September 9-13, 2013| The 19th International Vacuum Cong...
//&color(red){Deadline for abstract submission is on Febr...
:September 6, 2013| テクノフェア名大2013 (in Japanese) [[...
:August 29 - September 4, 2013| 14th International Confer...
:August 29-30, 2013| The 35th International Symposium on ...
//&color(red){Deadline is on May 13 %%April 26%%,2013.};
:August 25-30, 2013| The 9th Asian-European International...
:August 25-30, 2013| 10th International Conference on Nit...
//&color(red){Deadline is on April 16, 2013.};
:August 4-8, 2013| The 21st International Symposium on P...
//&color(red){Deadline is extended March 1, %%January 21%...
//Full papers due is on May 31, 2013.
:July 14-19, 2013| The 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conferen...
//&color(red){Deadline is on April 20 %%10%%, 2013.};
:July 14-19, 2013| International Conference on the Physic...
//&color(red){Deadline is on March 1, 2013.};
:June 26-28, 2013| The 55th Electronic Materials Conferen...
:June 13-15, 2013| 2013 International Interconnect Techno...
:June 13-14, 2013| The 66th annual meeting on the Society...
//&color(red){Deadline is on March 15, 2013.};
:May 24-25, 2013| The 17th International Workshop of Adva...
:April 11-13, 2013| The 113th Annual Congress of Japan Su...
:March 27-30, 2013| Spring meeting on the Japan Society o...
//Deadline is January 6, 2013.
:March 14-15, 2013| Plasma Etch and Strip in Microtechnol...
:March 10-13, 2013| The 22th conference on Materials for ...
:March 8, 2013| 第六回 光・プラズマプロセスのバイオ応用...
:February 15, 2013| 第156回シリコンテクノロジー研究集会「...
:February 2-3, 2013| 6th International Conference on Plas...
//Deadline is October 31.
:January 28-February 1, 2013| 5th International Symposium...
//&color(red){Deadline is September 18.};
:January 21-23, 2013| 30th Symposium on Plasma Processes ...
//Deadline is October %%15%%31, 2012.
*Past meetings 2013 [#o6cd9141]
:December 26, 2013| 第5回プラズマ医療・健康産業シンポジ...
:December 20-22, 2013| 8th Asia-Pacific International Sym...
//&color(red){Deadline is on July 30, 2013.};
:December 16, 2013| プラズマ・核融合学会 第26回専門講習...
:December 9-11, 2013| International Symposium on Frontier...
//&color(red){Deadline is on September 30, 2013.};
:December 4-6, 2013| International Conference on Plasma S...
:December 3-6, 2013| Molecular Biology Society of Japan [...
:December 2-6, 2013| 8th international conference on adva...
:November 21-23, 2013| 電気学会プラズマ研究会 於:名城大...
:November 14-15, 2013| &color(black){第5回薄膜太陽電池セ...
:November 11-15, 2013| 55th Annual Meeting of the [[APS D...
:November 8, 2013| 第24回 プラズマエレクトロニクス講習会 ...
:November 7, 2013| AEC/APC Asia 2013 to be held at Nation...
:November 7, 2013| 第7回プラズマナノ工学スクール (in Japa...
:October 30-November 1, 2013| 第一回 がんと代謝研究会 (in...
:October 27-November 1, 2013| AVS 60th International Symp...
//&color(red){Deadline is on May 6, 2013.};
:October 7-10, 2013| Advanced Metallization Conference (A...
:September 30-October 4, 2013| 66th Annual Gaseous Electr...
//&color(red){Deadline is on June 14, 2013.};
:September 28, 2013| 新学術領域研究「プラズマ医療科学の創...
:September 25-27, 2013| JSAP-PE Incubation Hall (プラズマ...
:September 24-27, 2013| 2013 International Conference on ...
//&color(red){Deadline is on May 27 %%May 13%%, 2013.};
:September 23-24, 2013| The 26th Symposium on Plasma Scie...
//&color(red){Deadline is on July 22, 2013.};
:September 16-20, 2013| The Japan Society of Applied Phys...
//&color(red){Deadline is on %%March 31%% April 12, 2013.};
:September 16-20, 2013| Fall meeting on the Japan Society...
//&color(red){Deadline is on June 3, 2013.};
:September 9-13, 2013| The 19th International Vacuum Cong...
//&color(red){Deadline for abstract submission is on Febr...
:September 6, 2013| テクノフェア名大2013 (in Japanese) [[...
:August 29 - September 4, 2013| 14th International Confer...
:August 29-30, 2013| The 35th International Symposium on ...
//&color(red){Deadline is on May 13 %%April 26%%,2013.};
:August 25-30, 2013| The 9th Asian-European International...
:August 25-30, 2013| 10th International Conference on Nit...
//&color(red){Deadline is on April 16, 2013.};
:August 4-8, 2013| The 21st International Symposium on P...
//&color(red){Deadline is extended March 1, %%January 21%...
//Full papers due is on May 31, 2013.
:July 14-19, 2013| The 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conferen...
//&color(red){Deadline is on April 20 %%10%%, 2013.};
:July 14-19, 2013| International Conference on the Physic...
//&color(red){Deadline is on March 1, 2013.};
:June 26-28, 2013| The 55th Electronic Materials Conferen...
:June 13-15, 2013| 2013 International Interconnect Techno...
:June 13-14, 2013| The 66th annual meeting on the Society...
//&color(red){Deadline is on March 15, 2013.};
:May 24-25, 2013| The 17th International Workshop of Adva...
:April 11-13, 2013| The 113th Annual Congress of Japan Su...
:March 27-30, 2013| Spring meeting on the Japan Society o...
//Deadline is January 6, 2013.
:March 14-15, 2013| Plasma Etch and Strip in Microtechnol...
:March 10-13, 2013| The 22th conference on Materials for ...
:March 8, 2013| 第六回 光・プラズマプロセスのバイオ応用...
:February 15, 2013| 第156回シリコンテクノロジー研究集会「...
:February 2-3, 2013| 6th International Conference on Plas...
//Deadline is October 31.
:January 28-February 1, 2013| 5th International Symposium...
//&color(red){Deadline is September 18.};
:January 21-23, 2013| 30th Symposium on Plasma Processes ...
//Deadline is October %%15%%31, 2012.