Publication の変更点

* Publication

Total 342 peer-reviewed papers (journal 304 papers + 14 paper in Japanese + 15 peer-reviewed proceedings + 9 other papers); 

''5219'' {6115} total citations ; h-index ''34'' , {''37'' [[Scopus:]] }
''5219'' {6354} total citations ; h-index ''34'' , {''38'' [[Scopus:]] }
// [[Publons>]]    Author ID (I-6758-2014 was changed from [[C-9919-2009:]]) on Thomson Reuters database.

Topics    &color(white,blue){FC};    Fluorocarbon plasmas, &color(white,blue){HN};    hydrogen-nitrogen mixture plasmas, &color(white,brown){APP};    Atmospheric pressure plasmas, &color(white,brown){PA};    Plasma agriculture, and &color(white,brown){PM};    Plasma medicine, &color(white,green){dia};    Plasma processes for diamond, &color(white,green){C};    nano-carbon, &color(white,green){Si};    nanocrystalline silicon, &color(black,pink){GaN};    Gallium nitrides

Methods    &color(black,yellow){IR};    Infrared spectroscopic studies, &color(black,yellow){LIF};    Laser induced fluorescence, &color(white,red){ESR};    Electron spin (Paramagnetic) resonance, &color(black,orange){Beam};    Surface reactions under ion beam irradiation, &color(black,cyan){QC};    Quantum chemical computation


-[304] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1}; &color(white,blue){Etch};    Low-temperature atomic layer etching of platinum via sequential wet-like reactions of plasma oxidation and complexation
--Applied Surface Science 687, 162325 pp. 1-15 (April 1, 2025). [[(DOI):]]
---Thi-Thuy-Nga Nguyen, Daijiro Akagi, Takeshi Okato, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Masaru Hori

-[303] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1}; &color(white,blue){Etch};    Hydrofluoroethane plasma etching of SiN, SiO2, and poly-Si films with CHF2CF3, CF3CH3, and CHF2CH3
--Applied Surface Science 684, 161815 (March 1, 2025). [[(DOI):]]
---Tran Trung Nguyen, Toshio Hayashi, Hiroshi Iwayama, Makoto Sekine, Masaru Hori, and ''Kenji Ishikawa''

-[302] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1}; &color(white,green){C};     Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of carbon films employing a cyclic process of N2/H2 plasma and α, α'-dichloro-p-xylene as a precursor 
--Applied Surface Science 681, 161485 (February 1, 2025). [[(DOI):]]
---Liugang Hu, Takayoshi Tsutsumi, Nobuyoshi Kobayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Masaru Hori

-[301] &color(white,red){OPEN}; &color(white,green){C};    Analysis of the synergetic effect of process parameters of hydrogenated amorphous carbon deposition in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using machine learning
--Diamond & Related Materials 151, 111687 (January 1, 2025). [[(DOI):]]
---Yusuke Ando, Hiroki Kondo, Takayoshi Tsutsumi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Makoto Sekine, and Masaru Hori


-[300] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1}; &color(white,blue){Etch};    Pseudo-wet plasma mechanism enabling high-throughput dry etching of SiO2 by cryogenic-assisted surface reactions
--Small method 8 (12), 2400090 pp.1-6 (December 19, 2024) [[(DOI):]]
---Shih-Nan Hsiao, Makoto Sekine, Nikolay Britun, Micheal Kin Ting Mo, Yusuke Imai, Takayoshi Tsutsumi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yuki Iijima, Ryutaro Suda, Masahiko Yokoi, Yoshihide Kihara, and Masaru Hori 

-[299] Editorial: Low-temperature Plasma as a Strategy to Achieve SDGs
--Free Radical Research 58 (19) pp. 594-595 (November 28, 2023) [[(DOI):]]
---Hiromasa Tanaka, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Shinya Toyokuni

-[298] &color(white,red){OPEN}; &color(white,brown){APP};    High-speed removal process for organic polymers by non-thermal atmospheric pressure spark discharge at room temperature and its mechanism
--Coating 14 (10), 1339 (November 27, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Takayoshi Tsutsumi, Hiromasa Tanaka, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroshi Hashizume, and Masaru Hori

-[297] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1}; &color(white,blue){Etch};    Non-halogen dry etching of metal carbide TiAlC by low-pressure N2/H2 plasma at room temperature
--ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 16 (39), pp. 53195–53206 (September 22, 2024) [[(DOI):]]
---Thi-Thuy-Nga Nguyen, Kazunori Shinoda, Shih-Nan Hsiao, Kenji Maeda, Kenetsu Yokogawa, Masaru Izawa, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Masaru Hori

-[296] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1}; &color(white,blue){Etch};    Selective removal of single-layer graphene over double-layer graphene on SiO2 by remote oxygen plasma irradiation
--Applied Surface Science 669, 160598 pp. 1-10 (October 1, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Liugang Hu, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Thi-Thuy-Nga Nguyen, Shih-Nan Hsiao, and Masaru Hori

-[295] &color(white,red){OPEN}; &color(white,brown){PM};    Science and applications of plasma activated solutions: Current trends and future directions
--Plasma Medicine 14 (1) pp. 67–76 (September, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Hiromasa Tanaka, Masaaki Mizuno, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Camelia Miron, Yasumasa Okazaki, Shinya Toyokuni, Kae Nakamura, Hiroaki Kajiyama, Masafumi Ito, and Masaru Hori

-[294] &color(white,red){OPEN Q2}; &color(white,red){Invited review};     Effects of plasma ions/radicals on kinetic interactions in nanowall deposition: A review
--Advanced Engineering Materials 26 (16), 2400679 pp. 1-22 (August 22, 2024). [[(DOI):]], [[(RELX news):]]
---''Kenji Ishikawa''

-[293] &color(white,red){OPEN}; &color(white,red){Review};   &color(white,blue){Etch};    Future of Plasma Etching for Microelectronics: Challenges and Opportunities
--Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 42, 041501 pp. 1-53 (June 7, 2024). [[(DOI):]], allotment writing of the section of "D. High-aspect-ratio processing for insulators and conductors" 
---Gottlieb Oehrlein, Stephan Brandstadter, Robert Bruce, Jane Chang, Jessica DeMott, Vincent M. Donnelly, Remi Dussart, Andreas Fischer, Richard Gottscho, Satoshi Hamaguchi, Masanobu Honda, Masaru Hori, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Steven Jaloviar, Keren Kanarik, Kazuhiro Karahashi, Akiteru Ko, Hiten Kothari, Nobuyuki Kuboi, Mark Kushner, Thorsten Lill, Pingshan Luan, Ali Mesbah, Eric Miller, Shoubhanik Nath, Yoshinobu Ohya, Mitsuhiro Omura, Chanhoon Park, John Polouse, Shahid Rauf, Makoto Sekine, Taylor Smith, Nathan Stafford, Theo Standaert, and Peter Ventzek

-[292] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1};    Epitaxial growth of high-quality GaN with a high growth rate at low temperatures by radical-enhanced metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
--Scientific Reports 14, 10861 pp. 1-18 (May 13, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Arun Kumar Dhasiyan, Frank Wilson Amalraj, Swathy Jayaprasad, Naohiro Shimizu, Osamu Oda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Masaru Hori

-[291] &color(white,blue){Etch};    In situ atom-resolved observation of Si (111) 7×7 surface with F radical and Ar ion irradiation simulated atomic layer etching
--Journal of the Vacuum Science and Technologies A 42 (3), 032603 pp. 1-11 (April 26, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Takayoshi Tsutsumi, Atsuki Asano, Hiroki Kondo, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Makoto Sekine, and Masaru Hori 

-[290] &color(white,brown){PM};    Inhibition of glutamine metabolism increases sensitivity to plasma-activated medium-induced cytotoxicity
--Free Radical Research 58 (3), pp. 170-179  (March 21, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Shu Tanaka, Sae Hayashi, Tomohiro Otsuka, Tetsuro Kamiya, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Hirokazu Hara

-[289] &color(white,blue){FC};    Dissociative properties of C4F6 obtained using computational chemistry
--Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 63, 04SP26 pp. 1-5 (April, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Toshio Hayashi, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Makoto Sekine, and Masaru Hori

-[288] &color(white,red){Q2}; &color(white,green){C};    Low-temperature growth at 225 oC and characterization of carbon nanowalls synthesized by radical injection plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
--Vacuum 224, 113180 pp. 1-8 (2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Ngo Quang Minh, Ngo Van Nong, Osamu Oda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', and Masaru Hori

-[287] &color(white,green){C};    Nitrogen admixture effects on growth characteristics and properties of carbon nanowalls
--Thin Solid Films 795, 140322 pp. 1-8 (March 30, 2024). [[(DOI):]], [[(SSRN Preprint):]]
---Peter Raj Dennis Christy, Ngo Van Nong, Nikolay Britun, Ngo Quang Minh, Thi-Thuy-Nga Nguyen, Hiroki Kondo, Osamu Oda, ''Kenji Ishikawa'' and Masaru Hori

-[286] &color(white,red){OPEN}; &color(white,red){Review};    Plasma-driven sciences: Exploring complex interactions at plasma-boundaries
--Plasma (mdpi) 7 (1), pp. 160-177 (February 27, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---''Kenji Ishikawa'', Kazunori Koga, and Noriyasu Ohno

-[285] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1}; &color(white,brown){PM};    Elaborate Cooperation of Poly(rC)-binding Proteins 1/2 and Glutathione in Ferroptosis Induced by Plasma-activated Ringer' s Lactate
--Free Radical Biology and Medicine 214, pp. 28-41 (February 9, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Li Jiang, Hao Zheng, Moe Ishida, Qinying Lyu, Shinya Akatsuka, Yashiro Motooka, Kotaro Sato, Yoshitaka Sekido, Kae Nakamura, Hiromasa Tanaka, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Hiroaki Kajiyama, Masaaki Mizuno, Masaru Hori, and Shinya Toyokuni

-[284] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1}; &color(white,brown){PA};    Oxygen radical irradiation transforms an organic fertilizer l-tryptophan into an environment and human-friendly bactericide
--Environmental Technology and Innovation 33, 103496 pp. 1-11 (February 1, 2023). [[(DOI):]], [[(Press release in Japanese):]], [[(EurekAlert!):]], [[(NU Research Information):]]
---Naoyuki Iwata, ''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yasuhiro Nishikawa, Hiroyuki Kato, Motoyuki Shimizu, Masashi Kato, Hiromasa Tanaka, Masafumi Ito, and Masaru Hori

-[283] &color(white,red){OPEN Q1}; &color(white,blue){Etch};    Surface sulfurization of amorphous carbon films in the chemistry of oxygen plasma added with SO2 or OCS for high-aspect-ratio etching
--Applied Surface Science 645, 158876 pp. 1-6 (February 1, 2024) [[(DOI):]]
---''Kenji Ishikawa'', Thi-Thuy-Nga Nguyen, Yuta Aoki, Hiroyasu Sato, Junichi Kawakami, Shuji Tsuno, Shin-Nan Hsiao, and Masaru Hori

-[282] &color(white,red){ESR};    High linear energy transfer (LET) nature of alanine radical yield by soft X-ray irradiations studied by electron spin resonance (ESR) applications
--Radiation Physics and Chemistry 214, 111304 pp. 1-6 (January, 2024). [[(DOI):]]
---Seiko Nakagawa, Akinari Yokoya, Maki Ohara, Noriko Usami, Mizue Asada, Motoyasu Fujiwara, Toshikazu Nakamura, ''Kenji Ishikawa''

**Before 2023

Go to [[Old publications>Publication2]]
