Home のバックアップソース(No.75)

*HIGHLIGHTS [#l754034b]

**Plasma-based in situ functionalization based on functional nitrogen science

Functional nitrogen science is now emerged for effective utilization of reactive nitrogen species (RNS). The technologies are related to water and air plasma-based nitrogen fixation. Electron impact reactions and chemical reactions among nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen, can occur on non-equilibrium plasma processing. Key issues are on in situ generation of RNS at the point of use and plasma-based nitrogen cycles of ammonia and nitric acid. [[(link to) Ishikawa Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 61 SA0802 (2022).:https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.35848/1347-4065/ac3558]] 

Nitrogen derivatives (Diagram): Short-lived nitrogen derivatives react to generate various RNS in situ through oxidation and hydrogenation.


*Upcoming meeting [#l5a052fd]

Color: &color(black,aqua){Oversea};, &color(black,yellow){Domestic};


:October 23-24, 2023 | Lecture (4)

:October 24, 2023 | 特別講義 西山(キオクシア)

:October 24, 2023 | 会合(センター運営会議) (Closed)
// センター運営会議,

:October 25, 2023 | 安全講習会(2023年度後期)於:IB015 (Closed)

:October 25, 2023 | 会合(拠点運営会議) (Closed)

:October 26, 2023 | 会合(相談会) (Closed)
// 相談会,教授会

:October 27, 2023 | グリーンDXプラズマコンソーシアム(CGDX) 2023年度第4回実習 Dr Ishikawa will have an invited lecture of "気液プラズマの科学" (Physicochemical understanding of plasma-liquid interactions) at 13:05-13:25 in the main meeting room (Dai-Kaigi-shitsu), 3rd floor of NIC 

:October 28, 2023 | Lecture (dielectric engineering)

:October 30-31, 2023 | Lecture (5)

:October 31, 2023 | R052 DXプラズマ研究会 第三回研究会『先端ロジック半導体におけるプラズマ・データサイエンス技術』於:東京ベルサール八重洲 (Closed) 

:October 31, 2023 | 最先端科学技術を先導する台湾の3大学と名古屋大学低温プラズマ科学研究センターの交流講演会と見学会 14:30~16:00 於:EI創発工学館3階TELオーディトリアム
// Prof Dr Duh

:October 31-November 2, 2023 | (not attend) 第96回生化学会大会 於:福岡国際会議場

:October 31-November 2, 2023 | 九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所「希薄プラズマ解析の産業応用に向けた数理モデルと数値計算手法の深化」[[(Web2):https://joint.imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp/post-9231/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=or2023a022-213]], [[(Web):https://joint1.imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp/research_chooses/view/2023a022]]

:November 1, 2023 | 特別講義 大村光広(キオクシア)

:November 2, 2023 | バイオ安全講習会 (Closed)

:November 2, 2023 | 見学 (Closed)

:November 5-10, 2023   &color(red){Chair}; | &color(black,aqua){AVS};     69th American Vacuum Society (AVS) International Symposium and Exhibition to be held at Oregon Convention Center, Oregon, USA. [[(Web):https://avs69.avs.org/]] Dr Ishikawa will chair the session on Thursday. Dr TTN Nguyen will have an oral presentation on Friday. 

:November 5-8, 2023 | &color(black,aqua){AEPSE};    (not attend) 13th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2023) to be held at BEXCO, Busan, Korea. [[(Web):http://www.aepse.org/2023/index.html]]  Dr Tran and Mr Yoshie will have oral presentations 
//%%February 7-11, 2022%% %%September 26-30, 2021%% &color(red){Talk}; 
//[[(Web):http://www.aepse.org/2021/index.html]] Dr Ishikawa will have a tutorial lecture of "Plasma in Healthcare : As tool of Regenerative Medicine and Development" 
//Deadline: April 30, 2021

:November 6-10, 2023 | (not attend) 日本放射線影響学会第66回大会 (in Japanese) 於:グランドニッコー東京 台場 [[(Web):https://www.senkyo.co.jp/jrrs66/index.html]]

:November 6-7, 2023 | Lecture (6)

:November 7, 2023 | 特別講義 田口(JR東海)

:November 9, 2023 | 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科附属クリスタルエンジアリング研究センター(RCCME)キックオフシンポジウム 於:名古屋大学 EI 創発工学館 FUJI ホール (in Japanese)
// [[(参加申込):https://forms.gle/5jmz7nURqXLu973N7]]

:November 9-10, 2023 |     (not attend) 11th IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB 2023), to be held hybrid on Bucharest, Romania. [[(Web):http://www.ehbconference.ro/Home.aspx]] Dr Miron will have a plenary talk on "Cold atmospheric pressure plasma-activated liquids for cancer treatment"

:November 11, 2023 | 第26回サタデーモーニングプラズマプロセス講座 「先端プラズマ成膜(CVD/ALD)技術~原材料は形を変え,境界を越えて,輝きを~」", "Global impact of plasma CVD/ALD technology - My/your career adventures beyond borders: ready for the global spotlight ?-" (in Japanese) オンライン 今出 完(ラムリサーチ) モデレータ 石川 健治 [[(Web参加申込):https://plasma-society.org/join.html]]

:November 12-17, 2023 | &color(black,aqua){AAPPS};     (not attend) 7th Annual Conference of the Division of Plasma Physics of the Association of Asia Pacific Physics Society (AAPPS-DPP 2023) to be held at Port Messe, Nagoya, Japan. [[(Web):http://aappsdpp.org/DPP2023/index.html]] Dr TTN Nguyen will have an invited talk. 

:November 13-14, 2023 | Lecture (7)

:November 14, 2023 | 特別講義 八田(パナソニック)

:November 14-16, 2023   &color(red){Chair}; | &color(black,yellow){MRS-J};    33rd Annual Meeting of the Material Research Society of Japan to be held at Industry Trade Center Building in Yokohama, Japan. (in Japanese) [[(Web):https://www.mrs-j.org/meeting2023/jp/]] Deadline: July 31, 2023

:November 14-17, 2023 | &color(black,aqua){MNC};     (not attend) 36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2023) to be held at Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan [[(Web):https://imnc.jp/2023/]]

:November 15, 2023 | 工場見学 (引率)

:November 17, 2023 | (not attend) プラズマエレクトロニクス講習会 (in Japanese) 於:大阪

:November 18, 2023 | 会合 (Closed)
// AGC 連絡協議会

:November 18, 2023 | テクノシンポジウム 見学会

:November 19-26, 2023 | (not attend) 15th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-15) and 6th Autumn School on Physics of Advanced Materials (PAMS-6) to be held hybrid in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.[[(Web):https://icpams.com/main/]] Dr Miron will have an invited talk. 

:November 20-21, 2023 | Lecture (8)

:November 21, 2023 | 特別講義 内井(東芝)

:November 21-22, 2023 | &color(black,aqua){DPS};     International symposium on dry process (DPS) to be held at Nagoya, Japan. [[(Web):http://www.dry-process.org/2023/index.html]]  
// Deadline is July 21, 2023

:November 24, 2023 | 2023年度 卓越大学院未来エレクトロニクス創成加速([[卓越DII:https://www.dii.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp]]) / 国際ワークショップ 4th International Workshop on Education and Research for Future Electronics [[(Web):https://www.dii.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/blog/event/entry-727.html]]
//[[(Web old):https://www.dii.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/blog/event/entry-720.html]]

:November 26-December 1, 2023 | (not attend) Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, to be held at Boston, USA. [[(Web):https://mrs.org/]] Submission deadline is June 13, 2023

:November 27-30, 2023 | プラズマ核融合学会年会 於:アイ-ナ・岩手県民情報交流センター [[(Web):https://www.jspf.or.jp/jspf_annual2023/index.html]]  Dr Ishikawa will chair the session and have an oral talk

:November 27-28, 2023 | Lecture (9)

:November 28, 2023 | 特別講義 古田(日立)

:November 30, 2023 | 会合 (Closed)
// 相談会 教授会

:December 4-5, 2023 | Lecture (10)

:December 5, 2023 | 特別講義 樋口(中部電力)

:December 8, 2023 | グリーンDXプラズマコンソーシアム(CGDX) 2023年度第5回定期講習会

:December 9, 2023 | 第27回サタデーモーニングプラズマプロセス講座 オンライン モデレータ 

:December 11-12, 2023 | Lecture (11)

:December 11-16, 2023 | (MRM2023) IUMRS-ICA Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan [[(Web):https://mrm2023.jmru.org/]] Symposium G-1 Advanced Plasma Processing in the New Era will be held. 

:December 12, 2023 | 特別講義 加藤良文(デンソー)

:December 18-19, 2023 | Lecture (12)

:December 19, 2023 | 特別講義 大橋(富士通)

:December 25-26, 2023 | Lecture (13)


:January 15-16, 2023 | Lecture (14)

:January 15-18, 2024 | (not attend) 9th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP 2024) to be held at Booyoung Hotel & Resort Jeju, Korea. [[(Web):https://icmap2024.org/]] Deadline: October 6, 2023

:January 22-23, 2023 | Lecture (15)

:January 23-25, 2024 | 41st Symposium on Plasma Processing (SPP-41) to be held at Ohokayama campus of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. [[(Web):https://gakkai-gran.jp/spp41/]] Deadline: the end of October, 2023

:January 31, 2024 | (Closed) R052 DXプラズマ研究会 第四回研究会 

:February 13-14, 2024 |  修論発表会

:February 21, 2024 | (Closed) 拠点運営会議

:March 1, 2023 | グリーンDXプラズマコンソーシアム(CGDX) 2023年度第6回定期講習会

:March 3-7, 2024 | 16th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its application for nitrides and nanomaterials, 17th International Conference on Plasma nanotechnologies and sciences (ISPlasma 2024/IC-PLANTS 2024) and 13th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the basic and applications of plasma technology (APSPT) to be held at Nagoya University, Japan. [[(Web):https://isplasma.jp/]] Deadline is October 13, 2023.

:March 11, 2024 | (Closed) 拠点戦略会議

:March 15-18, 2024 | &color(black,yellow){応物春};  2024年(令和6年)第71回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 to be held on Tokyo City University, Tokyo, Japan.

:September 16-20, 2024 | &color(black,yellow){応物秋};  2024年(令和6年)応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会 to be held at Toki Messe (朱鷺メッセ), Niigata, Japan. 


:March , 2025 | ISPlasma 2025 to be held at Kasugai campus of Chubu University, Japan.

:March 14-17, 2025 | &color(black,yellow){応物春};  2025年(令和7年)第72回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 to be held on Tokyo Science University, Chiba, Japan.

:September 7-10, 2025 | &color(black,yellow){応物秋};  2025年(令和7年)応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会 to be held at Nagoya, Japan. 


[[meeting2023]], [[meeting2022]], [[meeting2021]], [[meeting2020]], [[meeting2019]], [[meeting2018]], [[meeting2017]], [[meeting2016]], [[meeting2015]], [[meeting2014]], [[meeting2013]], [[meeting2012]], [[meeting2011]] 


[[JSPF calendar:http://www.jspf.or.jp/journal/calendarnew.html]]

[[MRS calendar:http://www.mrs.org/meetings-calendar/]]

[[APS calendar:http://www.aps.org/meetings/calendar.cfm]]

[[conferences calendar:http://www.conference-service.com/conferences/plasma-and-gas-discharge-physics.html]]



**Metabolomic profiles display a novel mechanism on cell death that is induced specifically by incubation in the non-thermal plasma treated solutions

The plasma-activated lactated solution (PAL) exhibits antitumor effects in glioblastoma U251SP cells. The PAL-treated U251SP cells exhibited changes in intracellular metabolites that were reductive in the redox state.

***Non-thermal plasma–activated lactate solution kills U251SP glioblastoma cells in an innate reductive manner with altered metabolism 

''Kenji Ishikawa'', Yugo Hosoi '''et al.''' Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 688, 108414 (pp. 1-9) (July 30, 2020). [[link:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abb.2020.108414]]

***Nonthermal plasma-activated medium (PAM) modified metabolomic profiles in glycolysis of U251SP glioblastoma 

Naoyoyuki Kurake, ''Kenji Ishikawa'' '''et al.''' Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 662, pp.83-92 (February 15, 2019). [[link:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abb.2018.12.001]]

** Real-time in situ ESR

Our paper was published on-line in the Applied Physics Letters (IF 2011 = 3.844) on July 2 issue of 2012.

***Real-time In Situ Electron Spin Resonance Measurements on Fungal Spores of '''Penicillium digitatum''' during Exposure of Oxygen Plasmas

''Kenji Ishikawa'' '''et al.''' Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 013704 (2012). [[link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4733387]], [[arXiv:http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.6917]]

** Real-time in situ ESR

Our paper was published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (I.F. 2011 = 6.213)


***Synergistic Formation of Radicals by Irradiation with both Vacuum Ultraviolet and Atomic Hydrogen: a Real-time in situ Electron Spin Resonance Study

We report on the surface modification of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) as an example of soft- and bio-materials that occur under plasma discharge by kinetics analysis of radical formation using in situ real-time electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements. During irradiation with hydrogen plasma, simultaneous measurements of the gas-phase ESR signals of atomic hydrogen and the carbon dangling bond (C-DB) on PTFE were performed. Dynamic changes of the C-DB density were observed in real time, where the rate of density change was accelerated during initial irradiation and then became constant over time. It is noteworthy that C-DBs were formed synergistically by irradiation with both vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and atomic hydrogen. The in situ real-time ESR technique is useful to elucidate synergistic roles during plasma surface modification.

''Kenji Ishikawa'' '''et al.''' J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2, 1278 (2011). [[link:http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jz2002937]] 

This paper won the 11th Plasma Electronics Award awarded by the Plasma Electronics division of the Japanese Society of Applied Physics on March 28, 2013.


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