Past meetings 2014 †
- December 10- 12, 2014
- (in Japanese) 日本MRS年次大会「先端プラズマ技術が拓くナノマテリアルズフロンティア」シンポジウム Dr Ishikawa had an invited presentation. web
- November 30- December 5, 2014
- MRS Fall Meeting to be held at Boston, USA. Symposium G: Plasma Processing and Diagnostics for Life Sciences.
- November 27-28, 2014
- International Symposium on Dry process (DPS) to be held at Yokohama, Japan.
- November 18-21, 2014
- Plasma conference 2012 (PLASMA2014) was held at Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan. web
- November 9-14, 2014
- AVS 61st International Symposium and Exhibition, Baltimore, Maryland. web
- November 2-7, 2014
- 67th Gaseous Electronics Conference was held at Marriott City Center and Raleigh Convention Center, Raleigh, NC, USA web Dr Ishikawa had an invited presentation entitled "Diagnostics of plasma-surface interactions in plasma processes".
- October 27-31, 2014
- 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (DPP), to be held at New Orleans, Louisiana
- October 15, 2014
- (in Japanese) 第8回プラズマナノ工学研究センタースクール web
- October 11, 2014
- (in Japanese) レドックスシンポジウム: 酸素生物学の誕生 held at ES hall, Nagoya University on 13:00-17:00 pdf
- October 5-10, 2014
- 226th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society to be held at Moon Palace Resort, Cancun, Mexico.
- September 8 - October 2, 2014
- 5th international conference on plasma nanoscience (iPlasmaNano), held at Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain. web
- September 21-26, 2014
- 4th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE XIV), to be held in Zinnowitz, Germany. web
- September 17-20, 2014
- Fall meeting on the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) to be held at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Dr Ishikawa had an invited presentation entitled "プラズマ誘起バイオマテリアルの表面反応とプラズマ医療への展開" on the symposium "バイオマテリアル表面のミクロ-ナノの挙動とその応用" (in japanese)
- September 15-20, 2014
- 14th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE), to held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. web
- September 13-16, 2014
- International Symposium on Plasmas for Catalyses and Energy Materials (ISPCEM 2014) to be held at Tianjin, China. web
- September 7 - 10, 2014
- (in Japanese) 日本機械学会年次大会 2014 於: 東京電機大学 web
- September 4-5, 2014
- The 67th annual meeting on the Society for Free Radical Research JAPAN (日本酸化ストレス学会学術集会 [in Japanese]), web to be held at Kyoto Teresa, Kyoto, JAPAN.
- August 31 - September 5, 2014
- The 12th APCPST (Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology) and 27th SPSM (Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials) web to be held in Adelaide, South Australia.
- August 31 - September 2, 2014
- (in Japanese) プラズマエレクトロニクス分科会インキュベーションホール web
- August 24-29, 2014
- International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2014) was held in Wroclaw, Poland. web
- August 24-28, 2014
- 15th International Union of Materials Research Societies, International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2014), to be held at Fukuoka, Japan. web
- August 17-20, 2014
- The 4th International Symposium for Plasma Biosciences (ISPB 2014) held at Plasma Bioscience Research Center (PBRC), Delpino Resort, Sokcho, Gangwon-do, Korea web
- August 10, 2014
- (in Japanese) 市民公開講座「のぞいてみよう、プラズマと生物と医療の不思議な世界」 於:名古屋大学 web
- August 9, 2014
- (in Japanese) 新学術領域研究第3回公開シンポジウム 於:名古屋大学 web
- July 27-August 1, 2014
- Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Processing Science (GRC), to be held at Bryant University, Smithfield, RI, United States . web The session named "Will we ever control plasmas?" will be opened for discussion.
- July 15-19, 2014
- Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG XXII) to be held at Greifswald, Germany. web Dr Ishikawa had poster presentations.
- July 11-12, 2014
- 11th Cat-CVD 研究会 [in Japanese] web to be held at Tohoku University. Dr Ishikawa had an invited presentation "水素ラジカルのポリマー表面反応の実時間・その場電子スピン共鳴(ESR)解析"
- July 8 -11, 2014
- International conference on microelectronics and plasma technology 2014 (ICMAP) web to be held at Gunsan saemangeum convention center (GSCO), Korea.
- July 6 -7, 2014
- 19th Korea-Japan Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processes and Diagnostics and 6th Workshop for NU-SKKU Joint Institute for Plasma-Nano Materials. to be held at NFRI Plasma technology research center, Gunsan, South Korea.
- June 19-20, 2014
- (in Japanese) Plasma etching workshop in Nano platform at Nagoya University
- June 15-19, 2014
- 6th International Workshop on Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS) web to be held at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
- June 14, 2014
- (in Japanese) プラエレ新領域研究会 at 名古屋大学
- May 25-30, 2014
- International Conference on Plasma Science ICOPS 2014 to be held at Washington, DC, United States. web
- May 23-24, 2014
- The International Workshop on Diagnostics and
Modelling for Plasma Medicine (DMPM2014) to be held at Nara, Japan. (satellite symposium of ICPM5) Dr Ishikawa had an invited talk entitled "TBD". web
- May 18-23, 2014
- 5th International Conference on Plasma Medicine (ICPM5), to be held at Nara Prefectural New Public Hall, Nara, Japan. web
- May 17, 2014
- (in Japanese) 名城大学プラズマバイオ科学技術研究センター開所シンポジウム及び意見交換会 於:名城大学
- April 28-May 2, 2014
- 41st International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films (ICMTCF) to be held at Town & Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, USA web Dr. Ishikawa had an invited talk of "Diagnostics of SiH4/H2 plasma and surface reaction in microcrystalline silicon deposition" during the "CVD Coatings and Technologies" session at 10:00 am on May 1.
- March 31-April 2, 2014
- Solvay Workshop on "Plasmas for Environmental Applications" to be held at ULB - Campus Plaine - Solvay Room Brussels, Belgium web
- March 25-26, 2014
- 1st International workshop on plasma for cancer treatment (IWPCT) to be held at Washington, DC, USA. web
- March 23-26, 2014
- 17th Biennial Meeting for the Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRRI 2014) to be held at Kyoto, Japan. web, venue Dr Ishikawa will have a poster presentation on May 25.
- March 21, 2014
- Nagoya University Open Lecture to be held at Nagoya University, Japan. last web
- March 17-20, 2014
- Spring meeting on the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) to be held at Aoyamagakuin University, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan.
- March 2-6, 2014
- 6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and Its Application for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma) and 7th International Conference on Plasma-Nanotechnology and Science (IC-PLANTS 2014) to be held at Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan. web
- February 7-8, 2014
- 18th International Workshop of Advanced Plasma Processing and Diagnostics to be held at Fukuoka Convention Center, Fukuoka, Japan. Dr Ishikawa gave a presentation.
- February 4-7, 2014
- 8th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-8) to be held at Fukuoka Convention Center, Fukuoka, Japan. web
- February 3, 2014
- International workshop on control of fluctuation of plasma processes - Joint International Workshop between "Frontier science of interactions between plasmas and nano-interfaces" and "Plasma medical innovation" - to be held at Fukuoka Convention Center, Fukuoka, Japan. This is a satellite workshop of ICRP8. Dr Ishikawa gave a presentation.
- January 19-23, 2014
- 9th EU-Japan Symposium - JSPP2014 to be held at Slovenia. web
Last-modified: 2020-11-21 (土) 10:59:23